Thursday, 21 May 2015


Hey, to any of you who do follow my blog... if your out there, I have a new one, here is the Link

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Wait a Minute put a Little...

It is hard, it is difficult. However time and time again we see examples of it in scripture. From Adam to the Disciples, they all did one thing to do the crazy, amazing, inspired, God desiring and driven things they did. TRUST.

You see God even before making existence into existence has always known what will exactly happen to well you! This is hard to understand, hard to keep in mind and hard to follow. But in the end is the only thing to do!

Recently I have had to step down from a leadership position that I have been very committed. For a very long time it has been a dream job for me. But yet God has lead me to step down from it. It was probably one of the hardest decisions ever! Then I was reminded of this; God knew this would happen, God knew of the circumstances that led me to step down, He knew that I would, and He knows who will take it up. And so like so many before me I was, am and will always be called to TRUST.

So in this day remember one thing; God knows, He will always know and you can take not only comfort in that, not only refuge in that, but that you MUST follow that and always keep that in mind. It is hard, it is difficult, sometimes we don't always understand it, and forget it. But sometimes we need to : wait a minute, and put a little TRUST in it!

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Porn, Christ, and You

 Hey, so this week I had to write a paper for my psych class, hope you enjoy: 

In the following paper, one will see the psychological and emotional effects of pornography on young adult males. Through the analysis of articles written in the study of this subject, facts and evidence will be given to prove the findings of this research.
As one looks into this issue, they must first understand who, and how many participate in the action of observing pornographic material; studies have shown that 87% of young adult males have used pornography to some degree, and for woman, 31%. Of that 87% of young men, 67% see nothing wrong with this behavior, thinking it is acceptable and it has no ramifications. Also making this claim is 49% of women, along with 37% of fathers, and 20% of mothers (Nelson, 2010). However, research has been done to see for certain if interaction with pornography does cause any negative, or dangerous effects to ones emotional, and psychological being.
Over the years studies have shown, opposite of some certain beliefs, that usage of pornography can bring on emotional and psychological problems. Excessive use of pornography can cause; vocational issues, family dysfunction, legal consequences, interpersonal isolation and psychological distress (Grubbs, 2015). Other studies have shown similar results such as; sexual dysfunction, relationship dissatisfaction, religious and spiritual concerns, increased negative emotions, aggressive behavior, and sexual deviancy (Levin, 2012). This evidence clearly shows that although the 67%, 49%, 37% and 20% of men, woman, fathers and mothers believe that it is appropriate and helpful, that is clearly can be damaging to an individual.
Most of this research found however, that these results are mainly due to an addictive behavior, seen in participation beyond 11 hours a week. When the behavior excels beyond just casual usage, to excessive use is likely to end in some damaging effects. In a survey done of 9,265 people, it showed that 8% of  those who partook in pornographic material for more then 11 hours per week, (Grubb, 2015), had experienced a negative response emotionally or psychologically. Even those who where not considered to have an addictive behavior, reported it as problematic to thier overall emotions and psychological behavior. However, those who had a higher sexual compulsivity as well as engaging in pornography as an addiction, showed that only 18% and 28% had no interference or life threatening issues due to their addictive behavior (Levin, 2012). Therefore one can simply conclude that it is not just due to an addiction, but if one feels it is causing difficulties interpersonally, vocationally, or personally.
This addictive behavior towards pornographic material is associated with the act of ‘experiential avoidance’. Experiential avoidance is a result of a compulsive response and behavior, it comes into play when one is trying to avoid or reduce difficult emotions. It can be done through many forms, such as the use of drugs, hair pulling, or participating in self-harm. Many have studied this and in the studies associated with pornography usage have argued that it is a result of experiential avoidance.
The issue here is, that by partaking in this response more psychological problems may occur. In a study done by Abramowitz, Tolin and Street in 2001 it was found that experiential avoidance many times increases the regularity and depth of the emotion or experience that is trying to be avoided! This causes amplification of the avoidance and in doing so limits and narrows one’s life (Levin, 2012). In light of this with a connection to frequent pornography use, which is mainly used to avoid stress, only in the end causes more.
In a study done by Levin and his associates in 2012, his findings were that addictive behavior with pornography is highly connected with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, and poorer social functioning behaviors. Joshua Grubbs and his associates did a similar study in which they found a connection with psychological distress and mental health, which is supported by research done previously with hyper sexuality. These two studies have done a very throe and precise analysis of the issues surrounding pornographic material in young men.
As one approaches this topic from a Christian perspective they must be careful. In a world that is so indorsing and accepting with a topic such as pornography one must come to this with respect, lenience, and guidance. The material used for this paper was extremely enlightening not only to one from a Christian worldview but also in general.
For many males this is clearly an issue and struggle, and for Christian males especially it is a huge temptation. However the evidence provided from the source material brings clarity to what God had already placed in scripture. As addressed in the articles, the issues and problems produced with experiential avoidance are so clear. Many approach pornography as a copping mechanism for hard emotions, or stress. However, as addressed before, this action can actually bring about more pain emotionally and psychologically. This is echoed in scripture with passages such as; 1 Corinthians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 and Matthew 5:28. These verses echo that God knows the harmful result that things like pornography can and will cause.
It not only shows this but it reveals that from the beginning God knew the harm humankind could, would and is inflicting on themselves. God’s grace is reflective through this. The fact that every word penned in scripture was done so for a specific reason; that being a desire for the Lord God and in a result a casting away and shedding of a worldly sinful life.
Through the analysis in this paper one can clearly see the harmful results pornography has on an individual’s emotions and psychological behaviors. From a Christian standpoint and evaluation, it is seen that this evidence is a reflection of what scripture has already stated. God’s grace is revealed through His words and actions. Specifically to this subject, He has set in place a motion so that the harmful acts of sexual sin would be obverted. This paper has presented the facts of how and showed why pornographic material is harmful to the human individual.  

Nelson, L. J., Padilla-Walker, L. M., & Carroll, J. S. (2010). “I believe it is wrong but I still do it”: A comparison of religious young men who do versus do not use pornography. Psychology Of Religion And Spirituality, 2(3), 136-147. doi:10.1037/a0019127

Grubbs, J., Volk, F., Exline, J., & Pargament, K. (2015). Internet Pornography Use: Perceived Addiction, Psychological Distress, and the Validation of a Brief Measure. Sex & Matiral Therapy, 84-106. Retrieved March 31, 2015

Levin, M., Lillis, J., & Hayes, S. (2012). When is Online Pornography Viewing Problematic Among College Males? Examining the Moderating Role of Experiential Avoidance. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 169-180. Retrieved March 31, 2015, from PsycArticles.

Monday, 9 March 2015

The False Platform 9 3/4

For most of us, if not all, there is a wall in our lives. This wall has always been there, over course for many of us it takes a while to realise it is there. Once we realise that this wall is a part of our life, or rather a barrier that remains in our life, we begin to run into it. In this we have the hope that some how the wall will fall down, we will be able to brake through it, or in some cases we hope it is like platform 9 3/4 in Harry Potter and we will be able to run through it.
However, after many attempts at running through this wall, I find that we begin to grow tired, we conclude that this wall will most likely never cease its existence in our lives. In this mind set we sit down, many of which I believe have their arms crossed and their lips pursed in anger.
But here's the thing, about a week ago I found myself once again in front of this wall. For the first time I did not want to a) run into the wall hoping to come out on the other side, or b) sit down and accept the fact that it is never going to leave and I will just let it continue to block my life. In short, I had begun to become tired of being tired of this wall.
As I stood there, facing this wall, neither running into it fists flying, nor sitting in front of it arms crossed, I began to hear one single word... TRUST. For the following days all I heard while I went about life, mentally standing in front of this wall was TRUST.
Trust is an interesting thing. In reality it is a simple little word, many a time I find myself pronouncing a word in my head and thinking how silly it is that we put sounds and the shaping of out mouth to ideas and concepts. But that is beside the point.
Trust is something that can be earned, lost, or given freely. It can strengthen people, build people, brake people, and cause them to curl up and never open up again. But yet it is sometimes, with some people, in certain places, situations and circumstances, the easiest thing to do.
Trust is a common thing for many of us in faith. It is if not one of the most important aspect of following Christ. Without trust in God and His guidance following Him is useless. And yet Trusting God is the hardest thing we Christians struggle with. Yes I am sure there are many things Christians struggle with, but in reality are these not the effects or outcomes of not trust God? Does it not begin with trusting Him?
We want to be in control, we want to hold the steering wheels, we want to shift the gears, and most of all we want to control the gas pedal to maintain a speed of our choosing. The fact is we are unable to be in control. We are like little kids without their license, we love the idea of driving, we dream about it and one day hope to ourselves. But the moments we do get behind the wheel we don't know what to do, we either freeze up or press the gas to fast and run into a tree or something. But God is experienced, He has been "driving" with people for years, more then we ever could! It takes courage, don't get me wrong, and a lot of push to let Him in and drive, but it all starts with trust.
Now you might want to yell at me and hit me by this point and scream "IT'S NOT THAT EASY NATHAN!" and my reply would basically be "I agree!" Why? Well coinciding I am a human just like you are, I completely understand, I struggle to! Wow crazy right!
Letting Him guide is the most important thing in our relationship and walk with Him, but it is also the hardest thing. Do I have a quick solution to putting your trust in Him? Nope! I am simply saying that you and I have one thing in common, we are both lost, we both have no clue where to go or what to do. And we both have this annoying wall in front of us! So whatever point your at, whether your running into the wall hoping to get through it, whether your sitting in front of it, or standing in surrender to letting Him take control and guide you. Just know that you and I are in the same place, that we are the same in that sense, and in reality that we are just like every other person on this planet.
So I have one last thing to say, Trust Him, whatever that means. Whether it means taking 5 minutes or 5 hours out of your day to spend time with Him, talk to Him, let Him in, get to know how He works with you! But never ever just sit there, or try yourself to get through this because it wont work... trust me, it wont.
Where has your wall brought you? 

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Stephen Fry and the "HOW DARE US"

As I skimmed through my Facebook wall this article/video came up. I took the 2:25 to watch it... and when I finished I felt like crying. To be honest my first reaction was anger... now hear me out on why. Was I angry at Stephen Fry himself? NOT AT ALL! I have no right to be angry at Stephen Fry, that is not my place. But rather I was angry at the person/pastor/child of God, who so miss lead Stephen into thinking that God brought the horrible result of sin into this world.
God created a world of love and creation that was proclaimed "GOOD"... He created man in His image as the rulers of this earth to bring His glory to all. Did He create and proclaim ANYTHING "bad, evil, cruel, selfish" if He did show me the scripture, because it doesn't in the Bible I have been reading. HOWEVER it does say this:That man and woman put themselves before God, and as a result committed the first sin, wanting to RULER LIKE GOD, and NOT FOR GOD. So was it God who brought the result of pain, selfish desire, evil, and an unjust nature into this world? or rather was it a result of the idolatry of Adam and Eve?
And so in response to Stephen Fry saying "How dare you God" I would say to him rather "How dare us!" I am filled with sadness that Stephen and so many others are miss led by the lie that God is a cruel, revengeful, self seeking, man in the sky who is out there to get you.
When looking in scripture I see a God who cares, loves, seeks and puts His people and children first.