God created a world of love and creation that was proclaimed "GOOD"... He created man in His image as the rulers of this earth to bring His glory to all. Did He create and proclaim ANYTHING "bad, evil, cruel, selfish" if He did show me the scripture, because it doesn't in the Bible I have been reading. HOWEVER it does say this:That man and woman put themselves before God, and as a result committed the first sin, wanting to RULER LIKE GOD, and NOT FOR GOD. So was it God who brought the result of pain, selfish desire, evil, and an unjust nature into this world? or rather was it a result of the idolatry of Adam and Eve?
And so in response to Stephen Fry saying "How dare you God" I would say to him rather "How dare us!" I am filled with sadness that Stephen and so many others are miss led by the lie that God is a cruel, revengeful, self seeking, man in the sky who is out there to get you.
When looking in scripture I see a God who cares, loves, seeks and puts His people and children first.