So if I knew this girl in real life I would give her a hug and say "I AM SO PROUD OF YOU" even now I am so proud of her. Why? for realising this, many Christian, and non-Christian girls don't even realise that what they wear every day, and in front of everyone at church while they stand up and sing is almost a walking porn add for guys. Its is even worse when girls, Christian or not, realise this but don't do anything.... WHAT!? LIKE COME ON, YOU ARE ASKING ME TO PERVERT YOU IN MY MIND, YET YOU YELL AND SCREAM AT ME THAT I AM PERVERTED!!!??? now don't get me wrong, I am not by any means justifying impurity. I am just saying that it is harder for guys, and Christian guys, to walk around daily and try not to stair at another girls body... I know this from experience, I have been in high-school halls and beach village streets, its almost sickening how many girls scream for boys to look at them and then scream for them to stop...

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