Thursday, 29 August 2013

Lies, Prayer, and Truth

"Do not be surprised, brothers and sisters, that the world hates you"
-1 John 3:13

So many Christians have been lied to, and it pains my heart so much. So many Christians have been told that when they say the prayer and accept Jesus into their life that all there problems will go away and everything will go better...WRONG!
John 16:33 states "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world"
Notice that Jesus says in this passage that "In the world you will have tribulation," He then later proceeds to say that because of that we should not be discouraged because He has overcome the world... But someone has yet to show me a passage that says "When you except me, all your problems go away." Why has no one shown me? BECAUSE NO SUCH VERSE EXISTS!
The theme verse for today's post is 1 John 3:13 "Do not be surprised, Brothers and Sister, that the world hates you." As Christs children and followers the world is against us, (1 John 5:19). When people turn away from Christ because when they said "come into me, I want to be yours" and times either continued to go bad, or got worse, I turn to them and say "What did you expect?" JESUS DOESN'T TAKE OUR PROBLEMS AWAY, RATHER HE WALKS THROUGH THEM WITH US!
This is why lovly dovey preachers and fake and plastic, God is love, yes, but not the love we think He is. He loves us enough to walk with us, and guide us, not place us in a protective bubble that doesnt expose us to the truth that, yes life is and will be hard, that yes things don't go our way, and yes people are stupid and mean. However that truth also states, that Jesus has conquered the World, that if we are with Christ no one can stand against us, that He gives us the strength to make it through, that He will be our coach and push us farther, fast, and help us grow in Him.
So if you were ever fed the lie that "Jesus will take away your problems" I pray that you will know that this was a lie, that He will neither take away or place you in a bubble away from your problems, but rather that He will walk with you, take your hand and pull, push, and guide you through the filth and muck of life and show you that Life goes Best with Him, not great, or perfect, but best, if you put Him first in your life...

"...But take heart; I have overcome the world" -John 16:33

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Brazil Update: Policia and Firm Grasps

He ran up to me and yelled "Policia!" tagging me he ran away, and so I yelled and ran after him, catching him I picked Him up and spun him around over my shoulder. This game went on for 30minutes with about 10 other kids.
This afternoon was so amazing! We had "church" with the kids here and then went and played games, while  I was just watching them this little boy came up to me, and what I wrote in the intro happened. Running around I would begin to grow tired, and sit down, with a mob of kids around me yelling "POLICIA!!!" I would get up and yell, and they would all run screaming, it was so funny.
After sitting here in my bed, I realized something. Our faith is very similar to this game. We run around in life, yelling and screaming for help, but the whole time we run from the one who wants to pick us up. That is God, and just like when I would catch one of these little kids, God picks us up and holds us tight, not letting the world pull us down. He has a firm grasp on us.
However sometimes we fight back, like the kids would, and He places us back down so we will run to Him. Because just like I began to get tired of running around, we begin to get tired and weary in our life and faith.
So ask yourself, are you like those who run, or like the little ones who are held firm with the guidance of Christ?

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Brazil Update: Tiles, Feet, and Pizza

"So he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
“No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
“Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”
10 Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” 11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." - John 13:4-17 

The air was thick with dust and musty, a dust like smoke cloud hung in the air. We looked at the room and all I could think was "Wow... mom would freak if she ever saw this room!" 

So this morning we started to clean out a storage room they have here, what once was a nice, clean, neat storage room, had over time turned into a forgotten room with piles of old broken tile, random metal and glass pieces, and lots of old paint cans. We originally went to it to find some paint for a mural I will be painting, however we soon realized we needed to clean this room up. 
Savannah and I began by taking the broken tile and putting it in a pile outside, Mr.Rowe started building shelves for the paint cans, this went on all morning. 
Now your probably thinking, this isn't a missions trip! this is more of a cleaning job, well you see in the passages I chose for today, when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples, different side to Jesus' mission is shown. A mission of servant hood.  The feet in the New Testament times was one of the most dirtiest places on the human body, so for Jesus, a respected teacher, and the son of God, to do this was a big big thing!
You see as we were cleaning up the room, God was saying to me "Nathan, not all missions trips are building houses and preaching on random streets, some are simply having a servants heart and attitude." 
 In our faith, sometimes we are called to do the simple things, like clean a super messy storage room, or even smiling at every person we walk past on the side walk. We are not always called to go and shove Christ in there face, a simple, respectful and settle approach is always the best way. And how can we do that? by starting with our actions! 

Also on a completely different note, we went out to a Pizza place today, SO GOOD! Really different types of Pizza toppings, the picture is one with strawberries, chocolate, ice cream and chocolate sauce!

Monday, 19 August 2013

Brazil Update: "Does he speak Portuguese?"

I watched the ball roll between his feet, like water smoothly running over rocks in a stream... and all I could think was, "Man I am really loosing this Soccer game... :/"

So today was the first day! Was really good, however I am probably going to be so fit by the end of these two weeks. My whole afternoon was dedicated to playing sports/games with some local kids, at first with young ones (10-14) then with two who were 14 and 16.
The older guys, who were named John and Dan, were really really good at Soccer, I got super owned... but oh well they had fun playing with the "Weird Canadian." It was actually super awesome, after 2 hours they figured out I don't speak Portuguese.
This Conversation is my paraphrasing and what I figured they were saying to each other;
Dan: "John, does he speak Portuguese?" Dan points at me
John: "Hey! do you speak Portuguese?" I look at him puzzled
Me: "what?"
John looks back at Dan: "No he doesn't"
They both laugh and continue playing

So in Summary, today was really good, thank-you for your prayers, even though we cannot speak the language here, the kids and people, I know, can clearly see Christs light through us. Please continue to pray for us as we head into the rest of the next 2 weeks!

God bless

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Brazil Update: Amens and Portuguese

Sitting there I could not understand a word they were saying, but one thing I did know, they were praising God for His amazing grace!
Tonight we went to a church service here, so good! The music was louder then it had to be, and it went on for about 2-3 hours but it was amazing. It never really hit me that even though we go to church every Sunday, and sing our songs, and pray for our brothers and sisters in the faith around the world, we never actually understand that there are brothers and sisters around the glob praising Him.
They speak Portuguese here so I had no clue what they were saying, but they clearly were worship the same God who called me here :) Its just so exciting to see how others worship Him!!
We all got to do something in the service tonight, Julie played amazing grace on her flute, Ruth and Savannah sang a song, John told a story/his testimony, and I did one of my Bible monologues. The people there were so thankful for us visiting, I almost broke down crying with joy!
please continue to pray as we head into our first week here, thank-you and God bless!

Brazil Update: Busy Roads

Cars and people walk and roll past us, two thoughts are going through my head at the moment... "THIS IS SO COOL" and "It feels like I'm in a movie."
I'm sitting here on my bed, in the room that will be my home for the next two weeks, I still can't believe this is happening! The room is purple, but still its bigger then my one at home and is pretty good :)
Waiting in Miami for 6 hours was a little boring but I managed, talked a little with Savannah (one of the other team members) and read my book.
As we were driving here from the air port, which is about an hour away, I had a chance to look around, my mind is still dizzy from the information that I am taking in. Once we got to the part of town where we were staying in, it was crazy! In a good way :) It was like something off of a movie, going down the dirt roads, people selling random fruits and other things, either in little wooden shacks or on the ground with a blanket. Our driver, George, who works here at the youth centre, spoke little to no English, but he was really nice. George drove through the busy streets, bringing us here to our home for the next two weeks.
Once we got here the Missionary that runs the Youth Centre, Joyce Hancock, introduced us to Josh, another Brazilian who works at the centre. Josh speaks decent English, and is 19, I can tell we will be good friends :)
Tonight we are going to a church service, in which I have been asked to do one of the Drama Bible stories I do at camp and at church, Julie, another team member, is doing a solo with her flute.
I am so excited to see what God does in these next two weeks! Thank-you once again for all your prayers.
God bless! 

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Brazil update: Questions and Customs

I'm standing in front of customs, "how long are you going for?"
my response, "2 weeks"
customs, "that looks like a lot of luggage for two weeks?"
I'm also caring 2 of the Rowes bags, my mind starts to fluster, what do I say what do I say???
My voice is calm, take note this is also the first time I've ever been through customs, other then being a baby and when I was 7/8ish. "These two are my friends and these are mine"
"okay, move on"

So we are sitting here in the waiting lobby, 2hrs early, thought I'd share a little of my experience with you guys. The excitement is starting! Due to a lack of food, and excitement my hands are shaking! I'm realling looking forward to the plane, as you already know I've been on a plane twice now, but I was a baby for the first, and only 7 for the second, so this time I can actually remember it!
We are waiting for our flight first to Miami and then wait for a couple hours for our flight to Brasila!

God bless, thank-you for your prayers!

Brazil Update: Hotel bedrooms and flying planes

You know when you get super excited for something and you keep looking at the clock or your watch, because it feels like an hour has passed, when in reality only 5 minutes has... well that's me right know.
It has been a year since God called me to look into a missions trip and here we are, a year later, waiting in my hotel bedroom to get on the plane at 2:00...
Man I am so excited, excitement for me is a bit different then people would imagine. Most people think excitement is jumping up and down or being super jittery... not for me. Its more of like a calm state, where I look at all the pros and the cons of the situation. And so right know that's what I am doing.
I tend to look at the worst things that could happen, however, I know they probably wont and everything will work out fine.
Let me say thank-you for all those who have been praying for me so far, and for those who will read this and think, "CRAP! I need to start praying for him don't I!"
Thank-you and God-bless

Friday, 16 August 2013

Brazil update: Leaving on a Jet plain

Spending 7 hours in a car is always fun, however it is the only way to get to Toronto, we are presently, (we as in the Rowes, elders in my church who are the leaders of our mission team) at the Hotel, tomorrow we head off to Miami on a 3hour flight! almost there! 
This and most of the following posts over the next 3 weeks will be updates on my Missions trip to Brazil. Join me on this journey!

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Camp Fires vs. Real Worlds

"do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is Good and Acceptable and Perfect" -Romans 12:2

Flip Flops, Bathing Suits, Songs, Fires, Games, Ridiculous and Insane people, what do these all have in common? let me tell you the answer... CAMP!

The past 7 weeks of my life have been purely dedicated to working and sharing Christ's message of salvation through camp ministry. This past summer was my 5th year working at camp ministry, and my 4th counselling at camp. New stories were born, smiles were made, and memories were created. However as much as camp is amazing and fun, it always comes to an end. And so here i find myself sitting on my living room couch, thinking of all the great and not so great times, thinking to myself "God what will this year bring now?"
You see each year I come back and my faith and thus my life is changed and strengthen. I know that this year, the year or grade 12, will be very difficult for me, God has made that clear. Real life can be difficult, feeling like you are the only 18 year old out there who actually cares and loves Jesus. But know that you are not alone my friends, we are all here, this one page is where we can come together and glorify Him. You see I pray for all of you daily, I might know some you, and I probably don't know alot of you but hey, in Christ we are brothers and sisters.
The world can be hard my friend, I know, I've been spit on by it, mocked and yelled at by it, but in the end I never gave up... why? because like Romans 12:2 says my mind was transformed. How? you may ask, it was transformed 5 years ago by a God who loves me, created me, and wants to let me explore Him my entire life. I know that no matter what I have joy in Christ, that in the end His glory will reign on earth, that "His kingdom come, as it is in heaven."
If you are sitting there, or in any other position, lying, standing, squatting, on the toilet, picking your nose, eating cereal or whatever, know that there is a God who loves you, a world who hates you, and a brother right here who prays for you.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed, by the renewal of YOUR mind, so that YOU may prove what the will of God is, that which is good, acceptable and perfect!"

I've got your back bro!