"Do not be surprised, brothers and sisters, that the world hates you"
-1 John 3:13
So many Christians have been lied to, and it pains my heart so much. So many Christians have been told that when they say the prayer and accept Jesus into their life that all there problems will go away and everything will go better...WRONG!
John 16:33 states "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the
world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the
Notice that Jesus says in this passage that "In the world you will have tribulation," He then later proceeds to say that because of that we should not be discouraged because He has overcome the world... But someone has yet to show me a passage that says "When you except me, all your problems go away." Why has no one shown me? BECAUSE NO SUCH VERSE EXISTS!
The theme verse for today's post is 1 John 3:13 "Do not be surprised, Brothers and Sister, that the world hates you." As Christs children and followers the world is against us, (1 John 5:19). When people turn away from Christ because when they said "come into me, I want to be yours" and times either continued to go bad, or got worse, I turn to them and say "What did you expect?" JESUS DOESN'T TAKE OUR PROBLEMS AWAY, RATHER HE WALKS THROUGH THEM WITH US!
This is why lovly dovey preachers and fake and plastic, God is love, yes, but not the love we think He is. He loves us enough to walk with us, and guide us, not place us in a protective bubble that doesnt expose us to the truth that, yes life is and will be hard, that yes things don't go our way, and yes people are stupid and mean. However that truth also states, that Jesus has conquered the World, that if we are with Christ no one can stand against us, that He gives us the strength to make it through, that He will be our coach and push us farther, fast, and help us grow in Him.
So if you were ever fed the lie that "Jesus will take away your problems" I pray that you will know that this was a lie, that He will neither take away or place you in a bubble away from your problems, but rather that He will walk with you, take your hand and pull, push, and guide you through the filth and muck of life and show you that Life goes Best with Him, not great, or perfect, but best, if you put Him first in your life...
"...But take heart; I have overcome the
world" -John 16:33
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