Sunday, 20 October 2013

Domino Effects and Deep Breaths

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,for those who are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28 

Have you ever felt like there is no way out? That just one problem leads to another, and that when you seem to have fixed it or figured it out something else goes wrong? I know I have, sometimes it gets so hard that I forget to stop and just enjoy life. I forget to be thankful that I am still alive, that this problem probably wont kill me, and that in the end Gods name will be glorified. 
Today's verse has been popping up lately in my life, and I think I know why. Lately life has been a little rough and stressful, with a bundle of starting a new job, a new school year, family issues, house hold problems, and money issues, I have tried to remain positive through it all because of this one verse. Romans 8:28 has been helping me get through this past 2 months of insanity. 
On this note, I have a friend, who almost daily reminds me how positive I am on how I look at life. One day she told me "I love how optimistic you are." The other day someone told me to stop being so positive, that being upset at stuff is okay, and I completely agree with that, with in reason.
Take a close look at this verse,
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,for those who are called according to his purpose."
note that it says ALL THINGS, not just somethings, or just good things, or when life is going smoothly... but ALL THINGS. Think about that, that includes the bad, the ugly, and the bumpy times as well. The times when one thing after another, like a domino, falls out of place and gets us stressed. In those kind of times we need to keep Romans 8:28 in mind, why? because we forget that God knows whats going on, He knew what would happen at this exact moment in your life even before He spoke the world into life. He did,has and will always have that knowledge about your life.  
So you want to know what I think? Instead of trying to fix everything, and worrying about it and letting it ruin your entire day, step aside from your stressful, crazy, busy life and breath, and take a knee and talk to the one who knows what has, is, and will happen. Talk to Him, and keep in mind that no matter who or what it is that happened or did, it has been put in place so that it may be done for His good. 

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