Friday, 29 November 2013

Summing it all up: Chapter 4, a Study on Philippians

Chapter 4
-Paul opens up in spiritual encouragement
-Paul advices to put petty world differences aside and seek Him
-when supporting and guiding other believers remember to be gentle and that they are fellow brothers and sisters
-Paul says keep Him at the centre of everything
    -this makes it that He is the only thing you seek
        -He will come back some day and all he asks is that you be ready for it
-Paul tells the church in Philipi bot not worry
    -rather lift it up to Him
        -once you do this fully and with full faith you will have no concern, and a sense of wholeness will be there
-Fill your mind with pure things
    -replace all that is sinful and worldly with Godly and Holy things
        -if this is done fully and full of faith, God will provide
            -things will start to come together and make sense

Reflection on 4:1-9
Paul, like everything in this book, opens with encouragement, showing that every encounter, weather good or bad, should be opened with encouragement and support. He then continues to show spiritual concern and guidance, touching on issues such as being in fellowship with each other not fighting, keeping Christ as the centre. The last two sections are those filled with prayer, advising to lift your worries up to God and then keep a self restraint on the mind, giving it over to Him so He may show you the way.

-Paul again opens with encouragement
    -He then says that he has found true happiness
        -one that is not filled with worldly desires, but with a Godly heart
            -one that will never suffice outside of Christ
-The church in Philipi shows there true nature
    -Paul says they are a church of a giving spirit
        -that when he needed help the most, even when he didn't ask for it, they gave it to him
            -this shows that when one is found in Christ all they want to do is give, not get
-There spirit of giving is shown even more
-Paul encourages them to welcome and share with all there brothers and sisters in the faith
    -the church in Philipi is shown here to be a true church of God
-ending with encouragement

Philippians 1-4 Reflection:
Like said at the beginning this book can be summed up in one word; Encouragement. Paul continuously encourages the church in Philipi, giving them encouragement in all areas, in prayer, faith and life. He lends his advice in areas dealing with people who are only in the faith to see how much they can get out of it, with this ye says to welcome them and show them through a life style what it truly means to be a Christian. Showing that even in jail he has a mission field, Paul shows that the church is not the only place of spiritual growth, but anywhere there is a follower of Christ. Telling the people in Philipi, he shows that being reminded of certain things is not bad, for he continues to warn and advice them. Chapter 4 then is a summing up of everything, continuing to encourage and pray for the church in Philipi.

Encourage your fellow brothers and sisters, support, advice, pray for them, we are all on different laps of the race, but in the end we run through the same finish line. If some fall, help them up with His encouragement, if others are having trouble support them and pray for them through His spirit. Encourage!

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

A Constant Reminder: Chapter 3, a study on Philippians

Chapter 3

-Although this is one verse it speaks to who Paul is
    -He tells that he will repeat what he has said before
        -however spiritual reminders are sometimes the best things in life
-Paul warns of those who are "religious busy bodies"
    -he says they have no true faith and are only about making themselves look good
        -he then says that the church in Philipi is not this
            -there faith is genuine
                -He says he has every right to say this b/c he once was this
                    -someone who "meticulously observed God's word"
                        -looking at the law, rather then the message and love
-Paul says that these people show off who they are with there schooling and wise insight
    -he says this is useless before Christ
        -Christ will use whoever he likes, however he likes
            -these things used to be important to Paul but once he say the true Christ his eyes were opened
                -he puts it this way "I didn't want to petty, inferior, brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the                 robust kind that comes from trusting Christ"
-Paul says he puts all worldly things behind him
    -this gives him a better understanding of Christ
        -putting all aside and just focusing on Him

Refection on 3:1-11
This segment is almost a little summery of what was already said in chapters 1&2. Paul address' this from the beginning, saying I will repeat myself, however this is needed, spiritual reminders are most of the time the best things ever. He warns of those who are only in for themselves, and speaks against these people, that in reality they are missing out on a true faith with God, which would fully satisfy. By example Paul finishes off with saying that worldly thing are useless and once one realises this their whole perspective on life changes, focusing only on Christ.

-Paul says he is not perfect, he admits this
    -he says that he doesn't have the all the answers, but He knows Christ is the one answer to all
        -He says he will never let go of this
-If you are seeking something else in Christ, for your own selfish gain, Christ will wipe that away
            -what once started off as a selfish thing, God transformed into a real relationship with Him
                -He hen continues to say that if you have discovered this then you should hold onto this and continue to seek Him
-Paul says that believers should seek Christ through his example
    -that they should seek Christ
        -he warns of those who say this but are simply trying to take all they can get
            -Paul genuinely cares, these others will not
-with an excitement like no other Paul speaks of what will happen to those who truly seek Christ
    -he says that this is not the end, but just the beginning
        -Christ is all

Chapter 3 refection:
In this chapter Paul opens up with a reminder, and then he continues to talk of this, warning the Philippians to not be easily deceived by those around them. He advices them to develop there own individual faiths and support each other together through it. He ends with encouraging words, saying that in the end Christ will lift you up before the Father.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Support, Death and Friends: Part two of a Study on Philippians

Chapter 2

-Paul challenges the people of Philipi
    -saying that if they are truly followers of Christ that they should do that
        -by following Christ it means to put others before you
            -to be selfless, not selfish
-Paul uses the example of Christ to enforce his point of being selfless
    -"he set aside the privilege of Deity and took on the status of slave, of human!"
        -even in death Christ was selfless, and obedient to God
            -so we to in everything should be selfless and obedient to Him, living by Christ's example
-B/c of Christ's selfless and obedient nature He was honoured by all

Reflection on 2:1-11
Paul in this section has opened up the second chapter with telling those who live in Philipi to be selfless and obedient to Christ and the Father. His first chapter was all about support and encouragement, where as, after he has done so, so that the people of Philipi will not become proud of themselves and look down on others b/c of Pauls words, he still says you need to be like Christ, and be selfless and obedient.

-Paul then after advising goes back to encouragement
    -"simply keep on doing what you've done from the beginning"
        -Paul has seen the potential that the church in Philippi has, he has seen the bar they can reach and set for themselves
            -he encourages them by saying you have achieved this bar now continue to push even further with your loving, obedient, supportive, selfless spirit
                -"Better yet, redouble your efforts."
-Paul goes back to selflessness
    -he says again that they should continue to reach higher for the bar
        -he encourages them to shine in this world, this "Squalid and polluted" world
-Paul doesn't care weather he dies or lives
    -the only thing he cares about is that He has let Christ work through him to help the Philippians
-Timothy is being prepared to be sent to Philipi
    -Paul says that so many are fake in the faith, but Timothy is true
        -Timothy has a heart for missions, and God's will
            -supporting Paul from day one, until the last day
-Paul mentions Epaphroditus, a Philippian that was sent to help Paul
    -He know is sent back to Philipi to help there
        -Help that was sent has helped and now is sent to help the helper
-In his sending back, Paul tells that Epaphroditus is one who deserves a well planned welcome back
    -He supported Paul, even with his life

Reflection on 2:12-30:
Paul opens up with encouragement, then goes onto support and ends off with thanks. Throughout the whole book of Philippians one message is clear, to encourage and support fellow believers. He shows through his example and the example of two others what it means to have true faith in Christ, listening to His calling and no other, weather faced with death or not.

Friday, 22 November 2013

A Hopeless word still filled with Hope, a Discouraging people still given encouragement: a study on Philippians chapter 1

Philippians study:

-a greeting
-shows that the author is Paul and Timothy
    -both had missions in work with the gentiles (non-Jews/non-Christians)
-the book of Philippians is addressed to the people of Philippi
    -"to all followers"
        -not that it also says "Pastors and ministers included" (msg translation)
            -this shows no one is excluded
    -everyone needs guidance from Him
-Paul is so excited for his brothers and sisters in Christ
    -they clearly live for Him all the day
        -they let Him guide them
-Paul says he is excited to pray for them, "Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer" and "i find myself praying with a glad heart"
    -(msg translation)
        -this re-enforces the statements said in vs.3-4
-Paul shows his love for his brothers and sisters in Philipi
    -he knows the love they have for Christ
        -this is a new level to connect with the people of Philipi
            -"sometimes I think I feel as strongly about you as Christ does" (msg)
-Paul's prayer:
    -That Philipi would be filled with the love of Christ
        -love that is serious and not feeling, and emotional
            -"not sentimental gush"
                -that the Holy Spirit would engulf Philipi and that it would fill that place
Reflection: 1:1-11   
Paul opens this letter up with so much encouragement. He sees how the church in Philipi has held strong and has put Christ first. However it's not all "rainbows and butterflies", he still is straight up and blunt with them, however is in encouragement.

-Paul is in prison when he writes this letter
    -but continuing with is theme of encouragement
        -he continues to say, "don't worry about me"
            -he shows how his actions, even in jail, have been an example to everyone
                -this is not boastful, but rather selfless
                    -he is saying "share your faith by your actions and lifestyle, not by your words"
-He warns of others who will try to take, as he puts it "the spotlight" while he is gone
    -he says that others are there who are true, and supportive
        -however there are others who "merely do it out of greed"
            -these people want control
                -and take pleasure in the fact that Paul is suffering
                    -however the very suffering he is going through is the one thing that continues to proclaim his message 
-Paul shows his spiritual maturity here to the max!
    -after calling people out on being self absorbed, he then proceeds to support them
        -vs.18 shows this when he basically says;
            -"I know they are being selfish, and self absorbed, and trying to benefit from my imprisonment, however they are still doing God's work, therefore I                 will support them, encourage them and continue to pray for them!"
                -Wait what?! are these not the people who are happy that Paul is in prison, b/c now they can have some "spot light"
                    -yes, but Paul sees past that, and sees, that even though the means they are doing it are not very mature, Christ is still using                     them    
                        -Paul then states that the prison he is in is a missions field, like anywhere, of itself
                            -he doesn't feel bad for himself, but rather praises God that he can be in prison to share the gospel to those there
-the first verse says it all; "As long as I am in this body there is no greater work for me to do.If I was to choose right know, I hardly know which one to choose."

-Paul opens up with telling them that there faith should be there to impress anyone
    -he says "let nothing in your conduct hang on, whether I come or not"
        -he encourage them to go beyond simply trying to look good for him and actually have and experience a real faith in Christ
            -he then says that this will be tough, but that will bring strength to their relationship with Christ, making it a blessing in the end

1:1-30 reflection:
The first chapter of Philippians can be summed up in one word, HOPE, or, ENCOURAGEMENT. This first chapter screams those two words, Paul wants to support his brothers and sisters in Philipi, and so by example we to should do this. This world is filled with hopelessness, discouragement and no support, even in our own modern churches. But look to the word! Here we see the church of Philipi, a true church, seeking not numbers, or to please everyone but to fully experience and express the true love and salvation of Christ. The church of Philipi shows spiritual maturity, and so we should look to them for an example of a God filled, God centred, God striving, God loving church. And remember that yes, life is hard, yes life is uneasy, yes life is tough, yes life is filled with empty discouragement, however as followers of Christ we look beyond that and see hope, encouragement, and love, so don't focus on the negatives in life, but rather the positives He brings! And if you do this, everything, every situation and happening will be seen not through your eyes, but Christ.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Smiling in the midst of the Storm: a study on Peace

Peace, A sense of wholeness or well being

- 1 Samuel 7:14
    -this could be interpreted as international
        -but look at the wording "restored" and "delivered"
            -we see a sense of "revival"
- Romans 14:19
    -again just another verse that seems simple at first glance
        -but it says "edification"
            -meaning "the moral or intellectual instruction or improvement of someone
                -we see a sense of "revival" again
-Luke 8:48
    -"Your faith has made you free. Go in peace"
        -peace can be translated to be "a sense of wholeness"
            - looking at it this way "Your faith has made you free. Go in wholeness"
                -again, a sense of "revival"
-1 Thessalonians 5:3
    -this is a false sense of peace, what the world sees as peace.
        -the world will never achieve peace, b/c peace is only found through Christ
            -peace is the wholeness of living in a broken world, but looking it in the face and smiling
                -peace is revival, to re-live
-Romans 5:1
    -we have been justified, that is to accept the forgiveness
        -once that is fully true, we then have a sense of wholeness in Christ
            -a sense of revival
-Philippians 4:7
    -it gives us a clear view, if it is there we see clearly through the fog of sin and our own decisions
-John 14:27
    -"I do not give as the world gives"
        -why is that said?
            -yes the world sees peace as "freedom" but it is an unachievable freedom
                -man is sinful, thus everything he does without the name of God is not peaceful
                    -b/c we are slaves to this world, thus not free, but Christ will break our chains
                        -this leads to true Peace
Galatians 5:22-23
    -"the fruit" not fruits
        -if peace is there, so are all the others, if they are not, then it is not God sent peace, and thus not peace at all
Isaiah 9:7
    -"of the increase of his...peace there will be no end"
        -no explanation needed
Haggai 2:9
Isaiah 59:8
    -the world does not know true Peace
        -b/c they do not know Christ, so it is not achievable
Isaiah 53:5
    -Peace can only come from the cross, for that is where it all began
        -Collisions 1:20
Romans 5:1
    -Justification (revival)
Isaiah 26:3
    -continuing to seek Him (steadfast) and trust, become open to Him 100%
2 Peter 1:2
    -growing in Him, in knowledge of Him brings peace, if it is applied
2 Corinthians 13:11
    -being on body in Christ
        -seeking Him
2 Timothy 2:22
    - seek peace in everything, if there is no peace then that is not His guiding
        -once you have experienced His peace you will know if it is not there
Peace in the Bible is one very different then that of the world. Worldly peace means a freedom with no sadness, no pain, no understanding, but in a way innocents. Biblical and Godly peace is that of understanding and maturity, it shows growth, and most of all it shows a revival of a spiritual awaking to Gods truth and calling. So in the Hebrew "Sholom Al com" or "Peace be with you"

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Finding Him in the Wildernes, a Study on John the Baptist

John (Yahweh is gracious) study:
-Isaiah 40:3-5,
    -John 1:23
    -Matthew 3:1-3,
        - this is when we first see John in his mission, he also quotes Isaiah 40:3-5
-Luke 1:5
    -"Elizabeth was also a decedent of Aaron"
        -Aaron being the brother of Moses (Exodus 7:1)
        -John prepared the path for Christ (John 1:23, Matthew 3:3)
        -Aaron in a way prepared a path for Moses before he would lead
        -John was from a line of "Prepare the path"
-Numbers 6:2-3 & Luke 1:15
    -the Nazrite vow, also taken by Sampson
        - a vow of physical purity and abstinence
-Luke 1:44
    - John leaps for joy in the womb of Elizabeth when Mary draws near with Jesus in her womb
    - this is the living out of vs. 15, when it is said John will be filled with the spirit even before berth
    - even in the womb he is showing that Christ is the lamb of God
-Luke 1:76-79
    - John's calling from God through the words of his father
        -"To give His people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins"
        - showing that the prophesy of Isaiah will come true
-Luke 3:2-6
    - Johns ministry starts
        - vs.3 he immediately after being called in vs. 2 goes into ministry with no hesitance
        - he goes into a ministry of repentance and forgiveness
            - repentance: "to change ones mind" or "to turn away"
            - forgive: "to pardon"
        -vs.4-6 are the prophesy from Isaiah
            -vs.6: "And all people will see God's salvation"
                -John prepares the path for this, he basically makes the glasses for the people to see clearly, and when they do they look up and see                 Christ   
    -Luke 3:15-16
        -John is misinterpreted, and misunderstood
            -vs.15:"The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah"
            -John's response, vs.16: "I am not worthy"
            -John is humble, noticing that he is being misunderstood, he turns the people back to the right message
                -this shows spiritual maturity
    -John 1:29-31
        -John reveals the Christ to those around
            -He has paved the path and now he send people down with the guide
            -"Look the lamb of God..."
                -vs.32-34, John tells that God has revealed the Christ to him, he is one of the first to have this revealed to him
    -John 5:31-36
        -Jesus tells that John was just the messenger
            -"I know that his testimony about me is true"
            -"You have sent John and he has testified truth"
    -John 3:26-30
        -John remains humble when he realises his ministry and mission is over and complete
            -instead of feeling down and filled with jealousy, he is the opposite
                -"the friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. that joy is mine,                 and is now complete"
                -He realises that the focus must be on Christ now "He must be greater, I must be less"
                        -we should look at John's example, and realise that the focus should not be on us but on Christ
                    -this shows spiritual maturity
    -Matthew 3:13-17
        -John Baptists Christ, this is when John 1:32-34 comes into play, revealing to John that this is the Christ, the embodiment of the LORD
    -Matthew 11:2-6 & 7,9,11
        - John shows his humanity by questioning again to be sure, and sends word to ask if Jesus is the Christ
        -When asked Christ responds calmly by saying yes
        -Jesus then starts to preach about John, on how humble and understanding he is of the Spirit
    -Matthew 21:26
        -John is seen as a prophet
            -prophet: One who speaks for God
                -John showed the people Christ
    -Mark 6:17-18
        -John calls Herod out on his adulterous marriage
            -this shows a sense of morality
                -also shows bravery, we see that he was imprisoned because of this
                    -He is later beheaded (Matthew 14:1-12)
    -John lived a Humble life, filled with the spirit, even since birth (Luke 1:44), his entire life was dedicated to preparing the path of the Lord (Luke 3:2-6, 15-16, John 1:29-31). By far John is one of the most humble characters in the entire bible (John 3:26-31), he knows that he doesn't matter without Christ. And even at the very end John approaches his death with a humble spirit, seeking only God's moral standard for all. John was humble, happy for life, and unlike most saw that life was not about self, but about bringing God glory, John truly lived up to what his name meant "God is gracious" and he let all know it!
    Lord may a spirit of John be awakened in all of us, may a servants heart completely for you awaken inside of us. A revival, a re-generation in our lives, for You be instilled. May we like John, approach everything seeking you first, an making us last, in his words "May you become greater, and us less" (paraphrased John 3:30).