Chapter 3
-Although this is one verse it speaks to who Paul is
-He tells that he will repeat what he has said before
-however spiritual reminders are sometimes the best things in life
-Paul warns of those who are "religious busy bodies"
-he says they have no true faith and are only about making themselves look good
-he then says that the church in Philipi is not this
-there faith is genuine
-He says he has every right to say this b/c he once was this
-someone who "meticulously observed God's word"
-looking at the law, rather then the message and love
-Paul says that these people show off who they are with there schooling and wise insight
-he says this is useless before Christ
-Christ will use whoever he likes, however he likes
-these things used to be important to Paul but once he say the true Christ his eyes were opened
-he puts it this way "I didn't want to petty, inferior, brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ"
-Paul says he puts all worldly things behind him
-this gives him a better understanding of Christ
-putting all aside and just focusing on Him
Refection on 3:1-11
This segment is almost a little summery of what was already said in chapters 1&2. Paul address' this from the beginning, saying I will repeat myself, however this is needed, spiritual reminders are most of the time the best things ever. He warns of those who are only in for themselves, and speaks against these people, that in reality they are missing out on a true faith with God, which would fully satisfy. By example Paul finishes off with saying that worldly thing are useless and once one realises this their whole perspective on life changes, focusing only on Christ.
-Paul says he is not perfect, he admits this
-he says that he doesn't have the all the answers, but He knows Christ is the one answer to all
-He says he will never let go of this
-If you are seeking something else in Christ, for your own selfish gain, Christ will wipe that away
-what once started off as a selfish thing, God transformed into a real relationship with Him
-He hen continues to say that if you have discovered this then you should hold onto this and continue to seek Him
-Paul says that believers should seek Christ through his example
-that they should seek Christ
-he warns of those who say this but are simply trying to take all they can get
-Paul genuinely cares, these others will not
-with an excitement like no other Paul speaks of what will happen to those who truly seek Christ
-he says that this is not the end, but just the beginning
-Christ is all
Chapter 3 refection:
In this chapter Paul opens up with a reminder, and then he continues to talk of this, warning the Philippians to not be easily deceived by those around them. He advices them to develop there own individual faiths and support each other together through it. He ends with encouraging words, saying that in the end Christ will lift you up before the Father.
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