Chapter 2
-Paul challenges the people of Philipi
-saying that if they are truly followers of Christ that they should do that
-by following Christ it means to put others before you
-to be selfless, not selfish
-Paul uses the example of Christ to enforce his point of being selfless
-"he set aside the privilege of Deity and took on the status of slave, of human!"
-even in death Christ was selfless, and obedient to God
-so we to in everything should be selfless and obedient to Him, living by Christ's example
-B/c of Christ's selfless and obedient nature He was honoured by all
Reflection on 2:1-11
Paul in this section has opened up the second chapter with telling those who live in Philipi to be selfless and obedient to Christ and the Father. His first chapter was all about support and encouragement, where as, after he has done so, so that the people of Philipi will not become proud of themselves and look down on others b/c of Pauls words, he still says you need to be like Christ, and be selfless and obedient.
-Paul then after advising goes back to encouragement
-"simply keep on doing what you've done from the beginning"
-Paul has seen the potential that the church in Philippi has, he has seen the bar they can reach and set for themselves
-he encourages them by saying you have achieved this bar now continue to push even further with your loving, obedient, supportive, selfless spirit
-"Better yet, redouble your efforts."
-Paul goes back to selflessness
-he says again that they should continue to reach higher for the bar
-he encourages them to shine in this world, this "Squalid and polluted" world
-Paul doesn't care weather he dies or lives
-the only thing he cares about is that He has let Christ work through him to help the Philippians
-Timothy is being prepared to be sent to Philipi
-Paul says that so many are fake in the faith, but Timothy is true
-Timothy has a heart for missions, and God's will
-supporting Paul from day one, until the last day
-Paul mentions Epaphroditus, a Philippian that was sent to help Paul
-He know is sent back to Philipi to help there
-Help that was sent has helped and now is sent to help the helper
-In his sending back, Paul tells that Epaphroditus is one who deserves a well planned welcome back
-He supported Paul, even with his life
Reflection on 2:12-30:
Paul opens up with encouragement, then goes onto support and ends off with thanks. Throughout the whole book of Philippians one message is clear, to encourage and support fellow believers. He shows through his example and the example of two others what it means to have true faith in Christ, listening to His calling and no other, weather faced with death or not.
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