Thursday, 17 April 2014

The Joy of Lost Rememberance

   Sitting here it's interesting, watching people walk by not even knowing what was done 1000 years ago on these five following days. I was listening to a sermon this morning, the Pastor was preaching from Judges and the passage said that all the generations that were alive during the freedom of Egypt had past away. The new generation had no clue about God and what He had done for them. The Pastor said "Sounds a little bit like today, doesn't it?"
   I am shocked how many people I have run into that have no clue who the Jesus is, what the Bible is and think that Christians simply believe is some dude with a long white beard sitting in the clouds! Yet it means so much more. Easter should not be a once a year celebration, but be an acceleration of excitement throughout the year... however do to the lack of education about it, even within churches, it is simply just another holiday you get chocolate one and sometimes presents.
My dad has been doing a sermon series this month that is not the common series. For example, last week we did not spend Sunday celebrating palm Sunday, now we did not forget it and say it is "irrelevant and applicable in today's modern culture and society", that is not the reason at all! Rather we celebrated and remembered Palm Sunday about three weeks ago. My dad has seen the importance Easter is, and how we should put more attention and give it more credit then is has had in the past. My dad, as well as I have seen that along with our culture, Christians have put more attention and excitement into Christmas then Easter.
   Now don't get me wrong, Christmas is important, seeing as it is the coming of Christ, however, it is the prologue to the story of Christs death. His resurrection is the last page, and his ascension is the epilogue. You see we have lost our excitement for THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT OF THE YEAR!
Live in freedom knowing that you are free of the burdens of life. Live in respect knowing what He did for you. Live in constant remembrance of the joy He has given.  

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