Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Surrender and Sacrifice upon the Alter

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." 
-James 4:7 

It's all about me right? well if your reading this, it's not about me, but rather about you, right? You are your own individual, therefore you make your own choices, decisions, life changing moments, where you go, who you live with (depending), what you want to be. Or do you really?
Looking back on this year (summer 2013-summer 2014) God has really worked on surrender and sacrifice. Although more emphasized this month then most, overall that's what this year has been about. Surrender and sacrifice of ones life to God is probably the hardest, yet most rewarding thing of life.
To give up all is to be given the gift that never stops. Giving up your life, your choices, your decisions, your future to Christ will not be easy.... it took me 5 years. But the moment He takes the control, the wheel, the rudder, He steers you through the rough water to freedom. He calms the storm.
Many have said the Peace in Christ is that He does not take the suffering and pain of life away, but rather holds our hand through it and walks with us through it. Through the valley He is along side of us (Ps.23).
God must be the center to have true peace, not a part to have partial satisfaction.

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