Saturday, 6 April 2013

Brazil Update

So this week I got three packages to read from CBM (Canadian Baptist Ministries) concerning my STM (Short Term Mission) to Brazil. I learned a little more about what I will be doing, so I thought I would tell you guys, because that's what this Blog was originally created for!
I will be going and helping with a missions program called "Free Flight Missions" they have a youth centre in the city of Aguas Lindas, Brazil. This youth centre helps bring children, youth, and young adults off the streets and teaches them things that vary from, computer skills to music, to language, to sports, to art. I will be going and helping with these workshops and helping bring the message of Christ to the people there.
As the summer approaches and my time to leave for this trip in August comes that much closer every day my excitement builds, please pray for me and my team as we prepare and later embark on this trip to not only share, and teach but to learn and draw closer to God.  

1 comment:

  1. Nathan this is amazing! I'm super excited for you! I'll keep you in my prayers!

