Quiet, what does this word mean in today's society? Does it even exist any more? Not really, everywhere you go there is something making noise, our culture has berried itself in noise. Silence or quietness has been made something to run from, something awkward. As Christians however we are called to surround ourselves in it, which brings us to the second part of this post; Patience, or waiting. Our generation has been labelled with the name of "The Me Generation," meaning we don't know how to wait any more. It's all about me, thus everything I want needs to be NOW. But again as Christians we are called to wait.
This morning I read Lamentations 3:26 (the verse above) in my devotions, and these words spoke to me. We don't stop any more and see the beauty in silence, we don't have the patience any more to wait, yet God says "wait quietly." This command is one that is ignored or forgotten in our society and in our Western faith. We no longer know how to "wait quietly," we want to do it all know and make as much noise doing it.
"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye." - Matthew 7:5
Now you may be asking, "Why did you put that verse in?" Well there is a reason my friend, you see we can not tell people to read there Bible and begin a relationship with the Lord if we do not have one fully ourselves. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you can not tell others about Christ until you have reached a certain level of "Perfection" in your faith, but rather that you understand what a relationship with Christ is.
You see many see Christianity as simply going to church, believe in an all knowing God, not swearing and praying every once in awhile, but it is far more then that. Christianity is a relationship with a loving friend and father, and in a relationship there needs to be a constant communication between the two partners. This is where the "Wait quietly" part comes in, we can not hear God's voice if we do not stop and wait for it, and we can not hear it even still if we are constantly surrounding ourselves with noise. This includes "mind noise" as well, or thoughts, and thinking off track.
So you see we can not fully understand, or know what God wants of us if we do not stop, wait, quiet our selves, and listen. This is essential in a relationship with a loving God who wants to be the foundation of you life.
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