Responsibility for own acts
-Galatians 6:1-5
-If it is needed, help others who are struggling
-do so with maturity, grace, patience, kindness, and gentleness
-make sure with in this you do not fall into the pit they are also in
-remember always that you are no better then them, but rather their equal
-you have struggles and testing as well, it is no greater or less then theirs
-focus on how He is using you, not comparing yourself to others in Him
-Different lives, different paths, but initially the same journey!
-1 Thessalonians 5:11
-"so encourage one another"
-Paul also speaks of encouragement in Philippians
-Encouragement is key in the faith
-we can get dragged under the waves of discouragement
-however, if we focus on lifting each other up, unlike the world which says to push others down, we will create a people that no one can push down!
-Proverbs 27:17
-We are the only ones who are going to look out for each other
-He uses His spirit to work through us
-like Sharpening a knife, accountability is done delicately, skillfully and done with a huge amount of respect
-Romans 14:12
-We, in the end will all have to stand before God
-the previous verses show that He has placed others to help us, that He uses to guide us
-if we have ignored Him speaking through His spirit, using others, then we will stand with a heavy head
Accountability, it is something that we can all see is lacking in the Modern Church. Through these verses you can see that it is something, however, unlike the world says, of caring, trusting, and building up, not judgement, and hypocrisy. This should be done very carefully and respectfully, as Proverbs 27:17 gives us the image of sharpening, one can not help but think of sharpening a knife, which is done this way, in respect and carefully. Accountability focuses on encouragement, it is primarily an action saying, "I know you are better then this, I want you to achieve." It is not an action of bringing one down, but about building up.
I am a theology student studying at a Bible University. Do I know all the answers to all the questions, NOT AT ALL! Slowly and slowly I am beginning to realize that I know absolutely nothing. But here I am trying to discover slowly who I am, who we are, and what God's calling is for us as His followers.
Friday, 6 December 2013
Thursday, 5 December 2013
A Study of the Biblical Church, Study 2: What is Fellowship?
A close relationship or unity
-1 John 1:7
-explains that fellowship is found in the blood of Christ
-it is the thing that brings us together
-all differences are put aside, b/c this is the only thing that matters in the end
-1 Corinthians 1:9
-this is an example of fellowship with Christ
-God grants it to us
-Philippians 2:1
-Fellowship granted by the Holy Spirit
Fellowship is primarily with that of Christ, the Father and The Holy Spirit, so God in Summary. It is a unique and special connection with Him, it is experienced with other believers, but only if He is the centre of it all. This means that even when by ones self, fellowship can be experienced, but it is not a fellowship found in a physical worldly context, but a fellowship on a spiritual level that is with our LORD.
A close relationship or unity
-1 John 1:7
-explains that fellowship is found in the blood of Christ
-it is the thing that brings us together
-all differences are put aside, b/c this is the only thing that matters in the end
-1 Corinthians 1:9
-this is an example of fellowship with Christ
-God grants it to us
-Philippians 2:1
-Fellowship granted by the Holy Spirit
Fellowship is primarily with that of Christ, the Father and The Holy Spirit, so God in Summary. It is a unique and special connection with Him, it is experienced with other believers, but only if He is the centre of it all. This means that even when by ones self, fellowship can be experienced, but it is not a fellowship found in a physical worldly context, but a fellowship on a spiritual level that is with our LORD.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
A Study of the Biblical Church Part 1: What is Church?
The Body and People
-1 Corinthians 12:18-20
-like a body the church has many parts, not just one part
-with many parts there are many differences
-these differences may seem like weakness' in some eyes
-in reality these are what strengthens the church body
-Biblical, they should take this under their care and so they grow and strengthen each other
-Ephesians 1:23
-The church without Christ is nothing
-The church needs to be broken
-He completes and fills it, without him it is empty
-1 Timothy 3:15
-the church is referred to as "the household of God"
-Acts 2:42-46
- The church is a place where; "believers met together in on place and shared everything they had"
- this could be seen in a physical context, or also in a mental context
-implying that the church was welcoming to all, that there was no restraint or hesitant with sharing issues and problems
-also note that they gathered in worship, and in giving
Church is the gathering of an imperfect people under one banner, the banner of Christ. It is interesting to see that even with this, the church is still considered "the household of God." And like it says 1 Corinthians 12:18-20, our weakness is our strengthening. If there is weakness in the church, rather then ignoring or dismissing it, we in a biblical manner should build up and strengthen the individual(s), thus making the whole body of the church stronger. However, if Christ is not the centre of this the actions and meeting of the church is useless and means nothing, the focus must be in, through and on Christ. The Church is simply an assembly or gathering of a group of imperfect individuals. Many see this as a weakness, but the Bible says if you stay focused and keep Him as your centre you will only grow stronger.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Summing it all up: Chapter 4, a Study on Philippians
Chapter 4
-Paul opens up in spiritual encouragement
-Paul advices to put petty world differences aside and seek Him
-when supporting and guiding other believers remember to be gentle and that they are fellow brothers and sisters
-Paul says keep Him at the centre of everything
-this makes it that He is the only thing you seek
-He will come back some day and all he asks is that you be ready for it
-Paul tells the church in Philipi bot not worry
-rather lift it up to Him
-once you do this fully and with full faith you will have no concern, and a sense of wholeness will be there
-Fill your mind with pure things
-replace all that is sinful and worldly with Godly and Holy things
-if this is done fully and full of faith, God will provide
-things will start to come together and make sense
Reflection on 4:1-9
Paul, like everything in this book, opens with encouragement, showing that every encounter, weather good or bad, should be opened with encouragement and support. He then continues to show spiritual concern and guidance, touching on issues such as being in fellowship with each other not fighting, keeping Christ as the centre. The last two sections are those filled with prayer, advising to lift your worries up to God and then keep a self restraint on the mind, giving it over to Him so He may show you the way.
-Paul again opens with encouragement
-He then says that he has found true happiness
-one that is not filled with worldly desires, but with a Godly heart
-one that will never suffice outside of Christ
-The church in Philipi shows there true nature
-Paul says they are a church of a giving spirit
-that when he needed help the most, even when he didn't ask for it, they gave it to him
-this shows that when one is found in Christ all they want to do is give, not get
-There spirit of giving is shown even more
-Paul encourages them to welcome and share with all there brothers and sisters in the faith
-the church in Philipi is shown here to be a true church of God
-ending with encouragement
Philippians 1-4 Reflection:
Like said at the beginning this book can be summed up in one word; Encouragement. Paul continuously encourages the church in Philipi, giving them encouragement in all areas, in prayer, faith and life. He lends his advice in areas dealing with people who are only in the faith to see how much they can get out of it, with this ye says to welcome them and show them through a life style what it truly means to be a Christian. Showing that even in jail he has a mission field, Paul shows that the church is not the only place of spiritual growth, but anywhere there is a follower of Christ. Telling the people in Philipi, he shows that being reminded of certain things is not bad, for he continues to warn and advice them. Chapter 4 then is a summing up of everything, continuing to encourage and pray for the church in Philipi.
Encourage your fellow brothers and sisters, support, advice, pray for them, we are all on different laps of the race, but in the end we run through the same finish line. If some fall, help them up with His encouragement, if others are having trouble support them and pray for them through His spirit. Encourage!
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
A Constant Reminder: Chapter 3, a study on Philippians
Chapter 3
-Although this is one verse it speaks to who Paul is
-He tells that he will repeat what he has said before
-however spiritual reminders are sometimes the best things in life
-Paul warns of those who are "religious busy bodies"
-he says they have no true faith and are only about making themselves look good
-he then says that the church in Philipi is not this
-there faith is genuine
-He says he has every right to say this b/c he once was this
-someone who "meticulously observed God's word"
-looking at the law, rather then the message and love
-Paul says that these people show off who they are with there schooling and wise insight
-he says this is useless before Christ
-Christ will use whoever he likes, however he likes
-these things used to be important to Paul but once he say the true Christ his eyes were opened
-he puts it this way "I didn't want to petty, inferior, brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ"
-Paul says he puts all worldly things behind him
-this gives him a better understanding of Christ
-putting all aside and just focusing on Him
Refection on 3:1-11
This segment is almost a little summery of what was already said in chapters 1&2. Paul address' this from the beginning, saying I will repeat myself, however this is needed, spiritual reminders are most of the time the best things ever. He warns of those who are only in for themselves, and speaks against these people, that in reality they are missing out on a true faith with God, which would fully satisfy. By example Paul finishes off with saying that worldly thing are useless and once one realises this their whole perspective on life changes, focusing only on Christ.
-Paul says he is not perfect, he admits this
-he says that he doesn't have the all the answers, but He knows Christ is the one answer to all
-He says he will never let go of this
-If you are seeking something else in Christ, for your own selfish gain, Christ will wipe that away
-what once started off as a selfish thing, God transformed into a real relationship with Him
-He hen continues to say that if you have discovered this then you should hold onto this and continue to seek Him
-Paul says that believers should seek Christ through his example
-that they should seek Christ
-he warns of those who say this but are simply trying to take all they can get
-Paul genuinely cares, these others will not
-with an excitement like no other Paul speaks of what will happen to those who truly seek Christ
-he says that this is not the end, but just the beginning
-Christ is all
Chapter 3 refection:
In this chapter Paul opens up with a reminder, and then he continues to talk of this, warning the Philippians to not be easily deceived by those around them. He advices them to develop there own individual faiths and support each other together through it. He ends with encouraging words, saying that in the end Christ will lift you up before the Father.
-Although this is one verse it speaks to who Paul is
-He tells that he will repeat what he has said before
-however spiritual reminders are sometimes the best things in life
-Paul warns of those who are "religious busy bodies"
-he says they have no true faith and are only about making themselves look good
-he then says that the church in Philipi is not this
-there faith is genuine
-He says he has every right to say this b/c he once was this
-someone who "meticulously observed God's word"
-looking at the law, rather then the message and love
-Paul says that these people show off who they are with there schooling and wise insight
-he says this is useless before Christ
-Christ will use whoever he likes, however he likes
-these things used to be important to Paul but once he say the true Christ his eyes were opened
-he puts it this way "I didn't want to petty, inferior, brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ"
-Paul says he puts all worldly things behind him
-this gives him a better understanding of Christ
-putting all aside and just focusing on Him
Refection on 3:1-11
This segment is almost a little summery of what was already said in chapters 1&2. Paul address' this from the beginning, saying I will repeat myself, however this is needed, spiritual reminders are most of the time the best things ever. He warns of those who are only in for themselves, and speaks against these people, that in reality they are missing out on a true faith with God, which would fully satisfy. By example Paul finishes off with saying that worldly thing are useless and once one realises this their whole perspective on life changes, focusing only on Christ.
-Paul says he is not perfect, he admits this
-he says that he doesn't have the all the answers, but He knows Christ is the one answer to all
-He says he will never let go of this
-If you are seeking something else in Christ, for your own selfish gain, Christ will wipe that away
-what once started off as a selfish thing, God transformed into a real relationship with Him
-He hen continues to say that if you have discovered this then you should hold onto this and continue to seek Him
-Paul says that believers should seek Christ through his example
-that they should seek Christ
-he warns of those who say this but are simply trying to take all they can get
-Paul genuinely cares, these others will not
-with an excitement like no other Paul speaks of what will happen to those who truly seek Christ
-he says that this is not the end, but just the beginning
-Christ is all
Chapter 3 refection:
In this chapter Paul opens up with a reminder, and then he continues to talk of this, warning the Philippians to not be easily deceived by those around them. He advices them to develop there own individual faiths and support each other together through it. He ends with encouraging words, saying that in the end Christ will lift you up before the Father.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Support, Death and Friends: Part two of a Study on Philippians
Chapter 2
-Paul challenges the people of Philipi
-saying that if they are truly followers of Christ that they should do that
-by following Christ it means to put others before you
-to be selfless, not selfish
-Paul uses the example of Christ to enforce his point of being selfless
-"he set aside the privilege of Deity and took on the status of slave, of human!"
-even in death Christ was selfless, and obedient to God
-so we to in everything should be selfless and obedient to Him, living by Christ's example
-B/c of Christ's selfless and obedient nature He was honoured by all
Reflection on 2:1-11
Paul in this section has opened up the second chapter with telling those who live in Philipi to be selfless and obedient to Christ and the Father. His first chapter was all about support and encouragement, where as, after he has done so, so that the people of Philipi will not become proud of themselves and look down on others b/c of Pauls words, he still says you need to be like Christ, and be selfless and obedient.
-Paul then after advising goes back to encouragement
-"simply keep on doing what you've done from the beginning"
-Paul has seen the potential that the church in Philippi has, he has seen the bar they can reach and set for themselves
-he encourages them by saying you have achieved this bar now continue to push even further with your loving, obedient, supportive, selfless spirit
-"Better yet, redouble your efforts."
-Paul goes back to selflessness
-he says again that they should continue to reach higher for the bar
-he encourages them to shine in this world, this "Squalid and polluted" world
-Paul doesn't care weather he dies or lives
-the only thing he cares about is that He has let Christ work through him to help the Philippians
-Timothy is being prepared to be sent to Philipi
-Paul says that so many are fake in the faith, but Timothy is true
-Timothy has a heart for missions, and God's will
-supporting Paul from day one, until the last day
-Paul mentions Epaphroditus, a Philippian that was sent to help Paul
-He know is sent back to Philipi to help there
-Help that was sent has helped and now is sent to help the helper
-In his sending back, Paul tells that Epaphroditus is one who deserves a well planned welcome back
-He supported Paul, even with his life
Reflection on 2:12-30:
Paul opens up with encouragement, then goes onto support and ends off with thanks. Throughout the whole book of Philippians one message is clear, to encourage and support fellow believers. He shows through his example and the example of two others what it means to have true faith in Christ, listening to His calling and no other, weather faced with death or not.
-Paul challenges the people of Philipi
-saying that if they are truly followers of Christ that they should do that
-by following Christ it means to put others before you
-to be selfless, not selfish
-Paul uses the example of Christ to enforce his point of being selfless
-"he set aside the privilege of Deity and took on the status of slave, of human!"
-even in death Christ was selfless, and obedient to God
-so we to in everything should be selfless and obedient to Him, living by Christ's example
-B/c of Christ's selfless and obedient nature He was honoured by all
Reflection on 2:1-11
Paul in this section has opened up the second chapter with telling those who live in Philipi to be selfless and obedient to Christ and the Father. His first chapter was all about support and encouragement, where as, after he has done so, so that the people of Philipi will not become proud of themselves and look down on others b/c of Pauls words, he still says you need to be like Christ, and be selfless and obedient.
-Paul then after advising goes back to encouragement
-"simply keep on doing what you've done from the beginning"
-Paul has seen the potential that the church in Philippi has, he has seen the bar they can reach and set for themselves
-he encourages them by saying you have achieved this bar now continue to push even further with your loving, obedient, supportive, selfless spirit
-"Better yet, redouble your efforts."
-Paul goes back to selflessness
-he says again that they should continue to reach higher for the bar
-he encourages them to shine in this world, this "Squalid and polluted" world
-Paul doesn't care weather he dies or lives
-the only thing he cares about is that He has let Christ work through him to help the Philippians
-Timothy is being prepared to be sent to Philipi
-Paul says that so many are fake in the faith, but Timothy is true
-Timothy has a heart for missions, and God's will
-supporting Paul from day one, until the last day
-Paul mentions Epaphroditus, a Philippian that was sent to help Paul
-He know is sent back to Philipi to help there
-Help that was sent has helped and now is sent to help the helper
-In his sending back, Paul tells that Epaphroditus is one who deserves a well planned welcome back
-He supported Paul, even with his life
Reflection on 2:12-30:
Paul opens up with encouragement, then goes onto support and ends off with thanks. Throughout the whole book of Philippians one message is clear, to encourage and support fellow believers. He shows through his example and the example of two others what it means to have true faith in Christ, listening to His calling and no other, weather faced with death or not.
Friday, 22 November 2013
A Hopeless word still filled with Hope, a Discouraging people still given encouragement: a study on Philippians chapter 1
Philippians study:
-a greeting
-shows that the author is Paul and Timothy
-both had missions in work with the gentiles (non-Jews/non-Christians)
-the book of Philippians is addressed to the people of Philippi
-"to all followers"
-not that it also says "Pastors and ministers included" (msg translation)
-this shows no one is excluded
-everyone needs guidance from Him
-Paul is so excited for his brothers and sisters in Christ
-they clearly live for Him all the day
-they let Him guide them
-Paul says he is excited to pray for them, "Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer" and "i find myself praying with a glad heart"
-(msg translation)
-this re-enforces the statements said in vs.3-4
-Paul shows his love for his brothers and sisters in Philipi
-he knows the love they have for Christ
-this is a new level to connect with the people of Philipi
-"sometimes I think I feel as strongly about you as Christ does" (msg)
-Paul's prayer:
-That Philipi would be filled with the love of Christ
-love that is serious and not feeling, and emotional
-"not sentimental gush"
-that the Holy Spirit would engulf Philipi and that it would fill that place
Reflection: 1:1-11
Paul opens this letter up with so much encouragement. He sees how the church in Philipi has held strong and has put Christ first. However it's not all "rainbows and butterflies", he still is straight up and blunt with them, however is in encouragement.
-Paul is in prison when he writes this letter
-but continuing with is theme of encouragement
-he continues to say, "don't worry about me"
-he shows how his actions, even in jail, have been an example to everyone
-this is not boastful, but rather selfless
-he is saying "share your faith by your actions and lifestyle, not by your words"
-He warns of others who will try to take, as he puts it "the spotlight" while he is gone
-he says that others are there who are true, and supportive
-however there are others who "merely do it out of greed"
-these people want control
-and take pleasure in the fact that Paul is suffering
-however the very suffering he is going through is the one thing that continues to proclaim his message
-Paul shows his spiritual maturity here to the max!
-after calling people out on being self absorbed, he then proceeds to support them
-vs.18 shows this when he basically says;
-"I know they are being selfish, and self absorbed, and trying to benefit from my imprisonment, however they are still doing God's work, therefore I will support them, encourage them and continue to pray for them!"
-Wait what?! are these not the people who are happy that Paul is in prison, b/c now they can have some "spot light"
-yes, but Paul sees past that, and sees, that even though the means they are doing it are not very mature, Christ is still using them
-Paul then states that the prison he is in is a missions field, like anywhere, of itself
-he doesn't feel bad for himself, but rather praises God that he can be in prison to share the gospel to those there
-the first verse says it all; "As long as I am in this body there is no greater work for me to do.If I was to choose right know, I hardly know which one to choose."
-Paul opens up with telling them that there faith should be there to impress anyone
-he says "let nothing in your conduct hang on, whether I come or not"
-he encourage them to go beyond simply trying to look good for him and actually have and experience a real faith in Christ
-he then says that this will be tough, but that will bring strength to their relationship with Christ, making it a blessing in the end
1:1-30 reflection:
The first chapter of Philippians can be summed up in one word, HOPE, or, ENCOURAGEMENT. This first chapter screams those two words, Paul wants to support his brothers and sisters in Philipi, and so by example we to should do this. This world is filled with hopelessness, discouragement and no support, even in our own modern churches. But look to the word! Here we see the church of Philipi, a true church, seeking not numbers, or to please everyone but to fully experience and express the true love and salvation of Christ. The church of Philipi shows spiritual maturity, and so we should look to them for an example of a God filled, God centred, God striving, God loving church. And remember that yes, life is hard, yes life is uneasy, yes life is tough, yes life is filled with empty discouragement, however as followers of Christ we look beyond that and see hope, encouragement, and love, so don't focus on the negatives in life, but rather the positives He brings! And if you do this, everything, every situation and happening will be seen not through your eyes, but Christ.
-a greeting
-shows that the author is Paul and Timothy
-both had missions in work with the gentiles (non-Jews/non-Christians)
-the book of Philippians is addressed to the people of Philippi
-"to all followers"
-not that it also says "Pastors and ministers included" (msg translation)
-this shows no one is excluded
-everyone needs guidance from Him
-Paul is so excited for his brothers and sisters in Christ
-they clearly live for Him all the day
-they let Him guide them
-Paul says he is excited to pray for them, "Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer" and "i find myself praying with a glad heart"
-(msg translation)
-this re-enforces the statements said in vs.3-4
-Paul shows his love for his brothers and sisters in Philipi
-he knows the love they have for Christ
-this is a new level to connect with the people of Philipi
-"sometimes I think I feel as strongly about you as Christ does" (msg)
-Paul's prayer:
-That Philipi would be filled with the love of Christ
-love that is serious and not feeling, and emotional
-"not sentimental gush"
-that the Holy Spirit would engulf Philipi and that it would fill that place
Reflection: 1:1-11
Paul opens this letter up with so much encouragement. He sees how the church in Philipi has held strong and has put Christ first. However it's not all "rainbows and butterflies", he still is straight up and blunt with them, however is in encouragement.
-Paul is in prison when he writes this letter
-but continuing with is theme of encouragement
-he continues to say, "don't worry about me"
-he shows how his actions, even in jail, have been an example to everyone
-this is not boastful, but rather selfless
-he is saying "share your faith by your actions and lifestyle, not by your words"
-He warns of others who will try to take, as he puts it "the spotlight" while he is gone
-he says that others are there who are true, and supportive
-however there are others who "merely do it out of greed"
-these people want control
-and take pleasure in the fact that Paul is suffering
-however the very suffering he is going through is the one thing that continues to proclaim his message
-Paul shows his spiritual maturity here to the max!
-after calling people out on being self absorbed, he then proceeds to support them
-vs.18 shows this when he basically says;
-"I know they are being selfish, and self absorbed, and trying to benefit from my imprisonment, however they are still doing God's work, therefore I will support them, encourage them and continue to pray for them!"
-Wait what?! are these not the people who are happy that Paul is in prison, b/c now they can have some "spot light"
-yes, but Paul sees past that, and sees, that even though the means they are doing it are not very mature, Christ is still using them
-Paul then states that the prison he is in is a missions field, like anywhere, of itself
-he doesn't feel bad for himself, but rather praises God that he can be in prison to share the gospel to those there
-the first verse says it all; "As long as I am in this body there is no greater work for me to do.If I was to choose right know, I hardly know which one to choose."
-Paul opens up with telling them that there faith should be there to impress anyone
-he says "let nothing in your conduct hang on, whether I come or not"
-he encourage them to go beyond simply trying to look good for him and actually have and experience a real faith in Christ
-he then says that this will be tough, but that will bring strength to their relationship with Christ, making it a blessing in the end
1:1-30 reflection:
The first chapter of Philippians can be summed up in one word, HOPE, or, ENCOURAGEMENT. This first chapter screams those two words, Paul wants to support his brothers and sisters in Philipi, and so by example we to should do this. This world is filled with hopelessness, discouragement and no support, even in our own modern churches. But look to the word! Here we see the church of Philipi, a true church, seeking not numbers, or to please everyone but to fully experience and express the true love and salvation of Christ. The church of Philipi shows spiritual maturity, and so we should look to them for an example of a God filled, God centred, God striving, God loving church. And remember that yes, life is hard, yes life is uneasy, yes life is tough, yes life is filled with empty discouragement, however as followers of Christ we look beyond that and see hope, encouragement, and love, so don't focus on the negatives in life, but rather the positives He brings! And if you do this, everything, every situation and happening will be seen not through your eyes, but Christ.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Smiling in the midst of the Storm: a study on Peace
Peace, A sense of wholeness or well being
- 1 Samuel 7:14
-this could be interpreted as international
-but look at the wording "restored" and "delivered"
-we see a sense of "revival"
- Romans 14:19
-again just another verse that seems simple at first glance
-but it says "edification"
-meaning "the moral or intellectual instruction or improvement of someone
-we see a sense of "revival" again
-Luke 8:48
-"Your faith has made you free. Go in peace"
-peace can be translated to be "a sense of wholeness"
- looking at it this way "Your faith has made you free. Go in wholeness"
-again, a sense of "revival"
-1 Thessalonians 5:3
-this is a false sense of peace, what the world sees as peace.
-the world will never achieve peace, b/c peace is only found through Christ
-peace is the wholeness of living in a broken world, but looking it in the face and smiling
-peace is revival, to re-live
-Romans 5:1
-we have been justified, that is to accept the forgiveness
-once that is fully true, we then have a sense of wholeness in Christ
-a sense of revival
-Philippians 4:7
-it gives us a clear view, if it is there we see clearly through the fog of sin and our own decisions
-John 14:27
-"I do not give as the world gives"
-why is that said?
-yes the world sees peace as "freedom" but it is an unachievable freedom
-man is sinful, thus everything he does without the name of God is not peaceful
-b/c we are slaves to this world, thus not free, but Christ will break our chains
-this leads to true Peace
Galatians 5:22-23
-"the fruit" not fruits
-if peace is there, so are all the others, if they are not, then it is not God sent peace, and thus not peace at all
Isaiah 9:7
-"of the increase of his...peace there will be no end"
-no explanation needed
Haggai 2:9
Isaiah 59:8
-the world does not know true Peace
-b/c they do not know Christ, so it is not achievable
Isaiah 53:5
-Peace can only come from the cross, for that is where it all began
-Collisions 1:20
Romans 5:1
-Justification (revival)
Isaiah 26:3
-continuing to seek Him (steadfast) and trust, become open to Him 100%
2 Peter 1:2
-growing in Him, in knowledge of Him brings peace, if it is applied
2 Corinthians 13:11
-being on body in Christ
-seeking Him
2 Timothy 2:22
- seek peace in everything, if there is no peace then that is not His guiding
-once you have experienced His peace you will know if it is not there
Peace in the Bible is one very different then that of the world. Worldly peace means a freedom with no sadness, no pain, no understanding, but in a way innocents. Biblical and Godly peace is that of understanding and maturity, it shows growth, and most of all it shows a revival of a spiritual awaking to Gods truth and calling. So in the Hebrew "Sholom Al com" or "Peace be with you"
- 1 Samuel 7:14
-this could be interpreted as international
-but look at the wording "restored" and "delivered"
-we see a sense of "revival"
- Romans 14:19
-again just another verse that seems simple at first glance
-but it says "edification"
-meaning "the moral or intellectual instruction or improvement of someone
-we see a sense of "revival" again
-Luke 8:48
-"Your faith has made you free. Go in peace"
-peace can be translated to be "a sense of wholeness"
- looking at it this way "Your faith has made you free. Go in wholeness"
-again, a sense of "revival"
-1 Thessalonians 5:3
-this is a false sense of peace, what the world sees as peace.
-the world will never achieve peace, b/c peace is only found through Christ
-peace is the wholeness of living in a broken world, but looking it in the face and smiling
-peace is revival, to re-live
-Romans 5:1
-we have been justified, that is to accept the forgiveness
-once that is fully true, we then have a sense of wholeness in Christ
-a sense of revival
-Philippians 4:7
-it gives us a clear view, if it is there we see clearly through the fog of sin and our own decisions
-John 14:27
-"I do not give as the world gives"
-why is that said?
-yes the world sees peace as "freedom" but it is an unachievable freedom
-man is sinful, thus everything he does without the name of God is not peaceful
-b/c we are slaves to this world, thus not free, but Christ will break our chains
-this leads to true Peace
Galatians 5:22-23
-"the fruit" not fruits
-if peace is there, so are all the others, if they are not, then it is not God sent peace, and thus not peace at all
Isaiah 9:7
-"of the increase of his...peace there will be no end"
-no explanation needed
Haggai 2:9
Isaiah 59:8
-the world does not know true Peace
-b/c they do not know Christ, so it is not achievable
Isaiah 53:5
-Peace can only come from the cross, for that is where it all began
-Collisions 1:20
Romans 5:1
-Justification (revival)
Isaiah 26:3
-continuing to seek Him (steadfast) and trust, become open to Him 100%
2 Peter 1:2
-growing in Him, in knowledge of Him brings peace, if it is applied
2 Corinthians 13:11
-being on body in Christ
-seeking Him
2 Timothy 2:22
- seek peace in everything, if there is no peace then that is not His guiding
-once you have experienced His peace you will know if it is not there
Peace in the Bible is one very different then that of the world. Worldly peace means a freedom with no sadness, no pain, no understanding, but in a way innocents. Biblical and Godly peace is that of understanding and maturity, it shows growth, and most of all it shows a revival of a spiritual awaking to Gods truth and calling. So in the Hebrew "Sholom Al com" or "Peace be with you"
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Finding Him in the Wildernes, a Study on John the Baptist
John (Yahweh is gracious) study:
-Isaiah 40:3-5,
-John 1:23
-Matthew 3:1-3,
- this is when we first see John in his mission, he also quotes Isaiah 40:3-5
-Luke 1:5
-"Elizabeth was also a decedent of Aaron"
-Aaron being the brother of Moses (Exodus 7:1)
-John prepared the path for Christ (John 1:23, Matthew 3:3)
-Aaron in a way prepared a path for Moses before he would lead
-John was from a line of "Prepare the path"
-Numbers 6:2-3 & Luke 1:15
-the Nazrite vow, also taken by Sampson
- a vow of physical purity and abstinence
-Luke 1:44
- John leaps for joy in the womb of Elizabeth when Mary draws near with Jesus in her womb
- this is the living out of vs. 15, when it is said John will be filled with the spirit even before berth
- even in the womb he is showing that Christ is the lamb of God
-Luke 1:76-79
- John's calling from God through the words of his father
-"To give His people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins"
- showing that the prophesy of Isaiah will come true
-Luke 3:2-6
- Johns ministry starts
- vs.3 he immediately after being called in vs. 2 goes into ministry with no hesitance
- he goes into a ministry of repentance and forgiveness
- repentance: "to change ones mind" or "to turn away"
- forgive: "to pardon"
-vs.4-6 are the prophesy from Isaiah
-vs.6: "And all people will see God's salvation"
-John prepares the path for this, he basically makes the glasses for the people to see clearly, and when they do they look up and see Christ
-Luke 3:15-16
-John is misinterpreted, and misunderstood
-vs.15:"The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah"
-John's response, vs.16: "I am not worthy"
-John is humble, noticing that he is being misunderstood, he turns the people back to the right message
-this shows spiritual maturity
-John 1:29-31
-John reveals the Christ to those around
-He has paved the path and now he send people down with the guide
-"Look the lamb of God..."
-vs.32-34, John tells that God has revealed the Christ to him, he is one of the first to have this revealed to him
-John 5:31-36
-Jesus tells that John was just the messenger
-"I know that his testimony about me is true"
-"You have sent John and he has testified truth"
-John 3:26-30
-John remains humble when he realises his ministry and mission is over and complete
-instead of feeling down and filled with jealousy, he is the opposite
-"the friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. that joy is mine, and is now complete"
-He realises that the focus must be on Christ now "He must be greater, I must be less"
-we should look at John's example, and realise that the focus should not be on us but on Christ
-this shows spiritual maturity
-Matthew 3:13-17
-John Baptists Christ, this is when John 1:32-34 comes into play, revealing to John that this is the Christ, the embodiment of the LORD
-Matthew 11:2-6 & 7,9,11
- John shows his humanity by questioning again to be sure, and sends word to ask if Jesus is the Christ
-When asked Christ responds calmly by saying yes
-Jesus then starts to preach about John, on how humble and understanding he is of the Spirit
-Matthew 21:26
-John is seen as a prophet
-prophet: One who speaks for God
-John showed the people Christ
-Mark 6:17-18
-John calls Herod out on his adulterous marriage
-this shows a sense of morality
-also shows bravery, we see that he was imprisoned because of this
-He is later beheaded (Matthew 14:1-12)
-John lived a Humble life, filled with the spirit, even since birth (Luke 1:44), his entire life was dedicated to preparing the path of the Lord (Luke 3:2-6, 15-16, John 1:29-31). By far John is one of the most humble characters in the entire bible (John 3:26-31), he knows that he doesn't matter without Christ. And even at the very end John approaches his death with a humble spirit, seeking only God's moral standard for all. John was humble, happy for life, and unlike most saw that life was not about self, but about bringing God glory, John truly lived up to what his name meant "God is gracious" and he let all know it!
Lord may a spirit of John be awakened in all of us, may a servants heart completely for you awaken inside of us. A revival, a re-generation in our lives, for You be instilled. May we like John, approach everything seeking you first, an making us last, in his words "May you become greater, and us less" (paraphrased John 3:30).
-Isaiah 40:3-5,
-John 1:23
-Matthew 3:1-3,
- this is when we first see John in his mission, he also quotes Isaiah 40:3-5
-Luke 1:5
-"Elizabeth was also a decedent of Aaron"
-Aaron being the brother of Moses (Exodus 7:1)
-John prepared the path for Christ (John 1:23, Matthew 3:3)
-Aaron in a way prepared a path for Moses before he would lead
-John was from a line of "Prepare the path"
-Numbers 6:2-3 & Luke 1:15
-the Nazrite vow, also taken by Sampson
- a vow of physical purity and abstinence
-Luke 1:44
- John leaps for joy in the womb of Elizabeth when Mary draws near with Jesus in her womb
- this is the living out of vs. 15, when it is said John will be filled with the spirit even before berth
- even in the womb he is showing that Christ is the lamb of God
-Luke 1:76-79
- John's calling from God through the words of his father
-"To give His people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins"
- showing that the prophesy of Isaiah will come true
-Luke 3:2-6
- Johns ministry starts
- vs.3 he immediately after being called in vs. 2 goes into ministry with no hesitance
- he goes into a ministry of repentance and forgiveness
- repentance: "to change ones mind" or "to turn away"
- forgive: "to pardon"
-vs.4-6 are the prophesy from Isaiah
-vs.6: "And all people will see God's salvation"
-John prepares the path for this, he basically makes the glasses for the people to see clearly, and when they do they look up and see Christ
-Luke 3:15-16
-John is misinterpreted, and misunderstood
-vs.15:"The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah"
-John's response, vs.16: "I am not worthy"
-John is humble, noticing that he is being misunderstood, he turns the people back to the right message
-this shows spiritual maturity
-John 1:29-31
-John reveals the Christ to those around
-He has paved the path and now he send people down with the guide
-"Look the lamb of God..."
-vs.32-34, John tells that God has revealed the Christ to him, he is one of the first to have this revealed to him
-John 5:31-36
-Jesus tells that John was just the messenger
-"I know that his testimony about me is true"
-"You have sent John and he has testified truth"
-John 3:26-30
-John remains humble when he realises his ministry and mission is over and complete
-instead of feeling down and filled with jealousy, he is the opposite
-"the friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. that joy is mine, and is now complete"
-He realises that the focus must be on Christ now "He must be greater, I must be less"
-we should look at John's example, and realise that the focus should not be on us but on Christ
-this shows spiritual maturity
-Matthew 3:13-17
-John Baptists Christ, this is when John 1:32-34 comes into play, revealing to John that this is the Christ, the embodiment of the LORD
-Matthew 11:2-6 & 7,9,11
- John shows his humanity by questioning again to be sure, and sends word to ask if Jesus is the Christ
-When asked Christ responds calmly by saying yes
-Jesus then starts to preach about John, on how humble and understanding he is of the Spirit
-Matthew 21:26
-John is seen as a prophet
-prophet: One who speaks for God
-John showed the people Christ
-Mark 6:17-18
-John calls Herod out on his adulterous marriage
-this shows a sense of morality
-also shows bravery, we see that he was imprisoned because of this
-He is later beheaded (Matthew 14:1-12)
-John lived a Humble life, filled with the spirit, even since birth (Luke 1:44), his entire life was dedicated to preparing the path of the Lord (Luke 3:2-6, 15-16, John 1:29-31). By far John is one of the most humble characters in the entire bible (John 3:26-31), he knows that he doesn't matter without Christ. And even at the very end John approaches his death with a humble spirit, seeking only God's moral standard for all. John was humble, happy for life, and unlike most saw that life was not about self, but about bringing God glory, John truly lived up to what his name meant "God is gracious" and he let all know it!
Lord may a spirit of John be awakened in all of us, may a servants heart completely for you awaken inside of us. A revival, a re-generation in our lives, for You be instilled. May we like John, approach everything seeking you first, an making us last, in his words "May you become greater, and us less" (paraphrased John 3:30).
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Domino Effects and Deep Breaths
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,for those who are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28
Have you ever felt like there is no way out? That just one problem leads to another, and that when you seem to have fixed it or figured it out something else goes wrong? I know I have, sometimes it gets so hard that I forget to stop and just enjoy life. I forget to be thankful that I am still alive, that this problem probably wont kill me, and that in the end Gods name will be glorified.
Today's verse has been popping up lately in my life, and I think I know why. Lately life has been a little rough and stressful, with a bundle of starting a new job, a new school year, family issues, house hold problems, and money issues, I have tried to remain positive through it all because of this one verse. Romans 8:28 has been helping me get through this past 2 months of insanity.
On this note, I have a friend, who almost daily reminds me how positive I am on how I look at life. One day she told me "I love how optimistic you are." The other day someone told me to stop being so positive, that being upset at stuff is okay, and I completely agree with that, with in reason.
Take a close look at this verse,
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,for those who are called according to his purpose."
note that it says ALL THINGS, not just somethings, or just good things, or when life is going smoothly... but ALL THINGS. Think about that, that includes the bad, the ugly, and the bumpy times as well. The times when one thing after another, like a domino, falls out of place and gets us stressed. In those kind of times we need to keep Romans 8:28 in mind, why? because we forget that God knows whats going on, He knew what would happen at this exact moment in your life even before He spoke the world into life. He did,has and will always have that knowledge about your life.
So you want to know what I think? Instead of trying to fix everything, and worrying about it and letting it ruin your entire day, step aside from your stressful, crazy, busy life and breath, and take a knee and talk to the one who knows what has, is, and will happen. Talk to Him, and keep in mind that no matter who or what it is that happened or did, it has been put in place so that it may be done for His good.
Have you ever felt like there is no way out? That just one problem leads to another, and that when you seem to have fixed it or figured it out something else goes wrong? I know I have, sometimes it gets so hard that I forget to stop and just enjoy life. I forget to be thankful that I am still alive, that this problem probably wont kill me, and that in the end Gods name will be glorified.
Today's verse has been popping up lately in my life, and I think I know why. Lately life has been a little rough and stressful, with a bundle of starting a new job, a new school year, family issues, house hold problems, and money issues, I have tried to remain positive through it all because of this one verse. Romans 8:28 has been helping me get through this past 2 months of insanity.
On this note, I have a friend, who almost daily reminds me how positive I am on how I look at life. One day she told me "I love how optimistic you are." The other day someone told me to stop being so positive, that being upset at stuff is okay, and I completely agree with that, with in reason.
Take a close look at this verse,
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,for those who are called according to his purpose."
note that it says ALL THINGS, not just somethings, or just good things, or when life is going smoothly... but ALL THINGS. Think about that, that includes the bad, the ugly, and the bumpy times as well. The times when one thing after another, like a domino, falls out of place and gets us stressed. In those kind of times we need to keep Romans 8:28 in mind, why? because we forget that God knows whats going on, He knew what would happen at this exact moment in your life even before He spoke the world into life. He did,has and will always have that knowledge about your life.
So you want to know what I think? Instead of trying to fix everything, and worrying about it and letting it ruin your entire day, step aside from your stressful, crazy, busy life and breath, and take a knee and talk to the one who knows what has, is, and will happen. Talk to Him, and keep in mind that no matter who or what it is that happened or did, it has been put in place so that it may be done for His good.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Adam, Eve, and everyone else
"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." -Genesis 1:27
The other week I was walking through the halls of my school praying over the lockers and it hit me, all of us are created in His image. ALL OF US! I continued to think about this, that means even my friends who do not know the Lord are even created in His image. So that means that even though satan has conquoered there ways with the falling into the sinful nature, he will always be reminded by there image that he is still not in power. That one thing remains, we are created in His image, that is the one thing satan will never ever be able to control.
Satan can control our actions, and our thoughts, and what we do, but he can only control and enslave what is already there... that image of God. That just blew my mind, I think we don't think about it that way, the Bible says that we were knit in our mothers womb, by Him. But we only talk about the verse when we think of Followers, not others. Those kind of verses apply to all man kind, future, past and present.
So today, look at everyone as an amazing, beautiful, creation and image of Him!
The other week I was walking through the halls of my school praying over the lockers and it hit me, all of us are created in His image. ALL OF US! I continued to think about this, that means even my friends who do not know the Lord are even created in His image. So that means that even though satan has conquoered there ways with the falling into the sinful nature, he will always be reminded by there image that he is still not in power. That one thing remains, we are created in His image, that is the one thing satan will never ever be able to control.
Satan can control our actions, and our thoughts, and what we do, but he can only control and enslave what is already there... that image of God. That just blew my mind, I think we don't think about it that way, the Bible says that we were knit in our mothers womb, by Him. But we only talk about the verse when we think of Followers, not others. Those kind of verses apply to all man kind, future, past and present.
So today, look at everyone as an amazing, beautiful, creation and image of Him!
Monday, 2 September 2013
Seeing Brush Strokes of a Bigger Picture
After a long summer it is finally time to go back to real life. This past summer was actually truly amazing, God showed me so much about where He wants to take me this year. With that I think we all need to remember as we head back to school, work, and our yearly daily lives to listen to His guidance.
This past year I started this blog as mainly something to update my friends back home for when I went away on my missions trip to Brazil. However as many of you have seen, read and observed, this blog has become a
lot more then a simple update here and there. This blog has become an example of how God can use our plans to make His come to life.
So as we head into this new work/school year remember, sometimes our plans aren't His, sometimes things wont go like we want them to the whole time. but know that He knows where we are, will and have been, so embrace this year, and embrace His will.
This past year I started this blog as mainly something to update my friends back home for when I went away on my missions trip to Brazil. However as many of you have seen, read and observed, this blog has become a
lot more then a simple update here and there. This blog has become an example of how God can use our plans to make His come to life.
So as we head into this new work/school year remember, sometimes our plans aren't His, sometimes things wont go like we want them to the whole time. but know that He knows where we are, will and have been, so embrace this year, and embrace His will.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Lies, Prayer, and Truth
"Do not be surprised, brothers and sisters, that the world hates you"
-1 John 3:13
So many Christians have been lied to, and it pains my heart so much. So many Christians have been told that when they say the prayer and accept Jesus into their life that all there problems will go away and everything will go better...WRONG!
John 16:33 states "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world"
Notice that Jesus says in this passage that "In the world you will have tribulation," He then later proceeds to say that because of that we should not be discouraged because He has overcome the world... But someone has yet to show me a passage that says "When you except me, all your problems go away." Why has no one shown me? BECAUSE NO SUCH VERSE EXISTS!
The theme verse for today's post is 1 John 3:13 "Do not be surprised, Brothers and Sister, that the world hates you." As Christs children and followers the world is against us, (1 John 5:19). When people turn away from Christ because when they said "come into me, I want to be yours" and times either continued to go bad, or got worse, I turn to them and say "What did you expect?" JESUS DOESN'T TAKE OUR PROBLEMS AWAY, RATHER HE WALKS THROUGH THEM WITH US!
This is why lovly dovey preachers and fake and plastic, God is love, yes, but not the love we think He is. He loves us enough to walk with us, and guide us, not place us in a protective bubble that doesnt expose us to the truth that, yes life is and will be hard, that yes things don't go our way, and yes people are stupid and mean. However that truth also states, that Jesus has conquered the World, that if we are with Christ no one can stand against us, that He gives us the strength to make it through, that He will be our coach and push us farther, fast, and help us grow in Him.
So if you were ever fed the lie that "Jesus will take away your problems" I pray that you will know that this was a lie, that He will neither take away or place you in a bubble away from your problems, but rather that He will walk with you, take your hand and pull, push, and guide you through the filth and muck of life and show you that Life goes Best with Him, not great, or perfect, but best, if you put Him first in your life...
"...But take heart; I have overcome the world" -John 16:33
-1 John 3:13
So many Christians have been lied to, and it pains my heart so much. So many Christians have been told that when they say the prayer and accept Jesus into their life that all there problems will go away and everything will go better...WRONG!
John 16:33 states "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world"
Notice that Jesus says in this passage that "In the world you will have tribulation," He then later proceeds to say that because of that we should not be discouraged because He has overcome the world... But someone has yet to show me a passage that says "When you except me, all your problems go away." Why has no one shown me? BECAUSE NO SUCH VERSE EXISTS!
The theme verse for today's post is 1 John 3:13 "Do not be surprised, Brothers and Sister, that the world hates you." As Christs children and followers the world is against us, (1 John 5:19). When people turn away from Christ because when they said "come into me, I want to be yours" and times either continued to go bad, or got worse, I turn to them and say "What did you expect?" JESUS DOESN'T TAKE OUR PROBLEMS AWAY, RATHER HE WALKS THROUGH THEM WITH US!
This is why lovly dovey preachers and fake and plastic, God is love, yes, but not the love we think He is. He loves us enough to walk with us, and guide us, not place us in a protective bubble that doesnt expose us to the truth that, yes life is and will be hard, that yes things don't go our way, and yes people are stupid and mean. However that truth also states, that Jesus has conquered the World, that if we are with Christ no one can stand against us, that He gives us the strength to make it through, that He will be our coach and push us farther, fast, and help us grow in Him.
So if you were ever fed the lie that "Jesus will take away your problems" I pray that you will know that this was a lie, that He will neither take away or place you in a bubble away from your problems, but rather that He will walk with you, take your hand and pull, push, and guide you through the filth and muck of life and show you that Life goes Best with Him, not great, or perfect, but best, if you put Him first in your life...
"...But take heart; I have overcome the world" -John 16:33
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Brazil Update: Policia and Firm Grasps
He ran up to me and yelled "Policia!" tagging me he ran away, and so I yelled and ran after him, catching him I picked Him up and spun him around over my shoulder. This game went on for 30minutes with about 10 other kids.
This afternoon was so amazing! We had "church" with the kids here and then went and played games, while I was just watching them this little boy came up to me, and what I wrote in the intro happened. Running around I would begin to grow tired, and sit down, with a mob of kids around me yelling "POLICIA!!!" I would get up and yell, and they would all run screaming, it was so funny.
After sitting here in my bed, I realized something. Our faith is very similar to this game. We run around in life, yelling and screaming for help, but the whole time we run from the one who wants to pick us up. That is God, and just like when I would catch one of these little kids, God picks us up and holds us tight, not letting the world pull us down. He has a firm grasp on us.
However sometimes we fight back, like the kids would, and He places us back down so we will run to Him. Because just like I began to get tired of running around, we begin to get tired and weary in our life and faith.
So ask yourself, are you like those who run, or like the little ones who are held firm with the guidance of Christ?
This afternoon was so amazing! We had "church" with the kids here and then went and played games, while I was just watching them this little boy came up to me, and what I wrote in the intro happened. Running around I would begin to grow tired, and sit down, with a mob of kids around me yelling "POLICIA!!!" I would get up and yell, and they would all run screaming, it was so funny.
After sitting here in my bed, I realized something. Our faith is very similar to this game. We run around in life, yelling and screaming for help, but the whole time we run from the one who wants to pick us up. That is God, and just like when I would catch one of these little kids, God picks us up and holds us tight, not letting the world pull us down. He has a firm grasp on us.
However sometimes we fight back, like the kids would, and He places us back down so we will run to Him. Because just like I began to get tired of running around, we begin to get tired and weary in our life and faith.
So ask yourself, are you like those who run, or like the little ones who are held firm with the guidance of Christ?
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Brazil Update: Tiles, Feet, and Pizza
"So he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
7 Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
8 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
9 “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”
10 Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” 11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." - John 13:4-17
The air was thick with dust and musty, a dust like smoke cloud hung in the air. We looked at the room and all I could think was "Wow... mom would freak if she ever saw this room!"
So this morning we started to clean out a storage room they have here, what once was a nice, clean, neat storage room, had over time turned into a forgotten room with piles of old broken tile, random metal and glass pieces, and lots of old paint cans. We originally went to it to find some paint for a mural I will be painting, however we soon realized we needed to clean this room up.
Savannah and I began by taking the broken tile and putting it in a pile outside, Mr.Rowe started building shelves for the paint cans, this went on all morning.
Now your probably thinking, this isn't a missions trip! this is more of a cleaning job, well you see in the passages I chose for today, when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples, different side to Jesus' mission is shown. A mission of servant hood. The feet in the New Testament times was one of the most dirtiest places on the human body, so for Jesus, a respected teacher, and the son of God, to do this was a big big thing!
You see as we were cleaning up the room, God was saying to me "Nathan, not all missions trips are building houses and preaching on random streets, some are simply having a servants heart and attitude."
In our faith, sometimes we are called to do the simple things, like clean a super messy storage room, or even smiling at every person we walk past on the side walk. We are not always called to go and shove Christ in there face, a simple, respectful and settle approach is always the best way. And how can we do that? by starting with our actions!
Also on a completely different note, we went out to a Pizza place today, SO GOOD! Really different types of Pizza toppings, the picture is one with strawberries, chocolate, ice cream and chocolate sauce!
6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
7 Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
8 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
9 “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”
10 Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” 11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." - John 13:4-17
The air was thick with dust and musty, a dust like smoke cloud hung in the air. We looked at the room and all I could think was "Wow... mom would freak if she ever saw this room!"
So this morning we started to clean out a storage room they have here, what once was a nice, clean, neat storage room, had over time turned into a forgotten room with piles of old broken tile, random metal and glass pieces, and lots of old paint cans. We originally went to it to find some paint for a mural I will be painting, however we soon realized we needed to clean this room up.
Savannah and I began by taking the broken tile and putting it in a pile outside, Mr.Rowe started building shelves for the paint cans, this went on all morning.
Now your probably thinking, this isn't a missions trip! this is more of a cleaning job, well you see in the passages I chose for today, when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples, different side to Jesus' mission is shown. A mission of servant hood. The feet in the New Testament times was one of the most dirtiest places on the human body, so for Jesus, a respected teacher, and the son of God, to do this was a big big thing!
You see as we were cleaning up the room, God was saying to me "Nathan, not all missions trips are building houses and preaching on random streets, some are simply having a servants heart and attitude."
In our faith, sometimes we are called to do the simple things, like clean a super messy storage room, or even smiling at every person we walk past on the side walk. We are not always called to go and shove Christ in there face, a simple, respectful and settle approach is always the best way. And how can we do that? by starting with our actions!
Also on a completely different note, we went out to a Pizza place today, SO GOOD! Really different types of Pizza toppings, the picture is one with strawberries, chocolate, ice cream and chocolate sauce!
Monday, 19 August 2013
Brazil Update: "Does he speak Portuguese?"
I watched the ball roll between his feet, like water smoothly running over rocks in a stream... and all I could think was, "Man I am really loosing this Soccer game... :/"
So today was the first day! Was really good, however I am probably going to be so fit by the end of these two weeks. My whole afternoon was dedicated to playing sports/games with some local kids, at first with young ones (10-14) then with two who were 14 and 16.
The older guys, who were named John and Dan, were really really good at Soccer, I got super owned... but oh well they had fun playing with the "Weird Canadian." It was actually super awesome, after 2 hours they figured out I don't speak Portuguese.
This Conversation is my paraphrasing and what I figured they were saying to each other;
Dan: "John, does he speak Portuguese?" Dan points at me
John: "Hey! do you speak Portuguese?" I look at him puzzled
Me: "what?"
John looks back at Dan: "No he doesn't"
They both laugh and continue playing
So in Summary, today was really good, thank-you for your prayers, even though we cannot speak the language here, the kids and people, I know, can clearly see Christs light through us. Please continue to pray for us as we head into the rest of the next 2 weeks!
God bless
So today was the first day! Was really good, however I am probably going to be so fit by the end of these two weeks. My whole afternoon was dedicated to playing sports/games with some local kids, at first with young ones (10-14) then with two who were 14 and 16.
The older guys, who were named John and Dan, were really really good at Soccer, I got super owned... but oh well they had fun playing with the "Weird Canadian." It was actually super awesome, after 2 hours they figured out I don't speak Portuguese.
This Conversation is my paraphrasing and what I figured they were saying to each other;
Dan: "John, does he speak Portuguese?" Dan points at me
John: "Hey! do you speak Portuguese?" I look at him puzzled
Me: "what?"
John looks back at Dan: "No he doesn't"
They both laugh and continue playing
So in Summary, today was really good, thank-you for your prayers, even though we cannot speak the language here, the kids and people, I know, can clearly see Christs light through us. Please continue to pray for us as we head into the rest of the next 2 weeks!
God bless
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Brazil Update: Amens and Portuguese
Sitting there I could not understand a word they were saying, but one thing I did know, they were praising God for His amazing grace!
Tonight we went to a church service here, so good! The music was louder then it had to be, and it went on for about 2-3 hours but it was amazing. It never really hit me that even though we go to church every Sunday, and sing our songs, and pray for our brothers and sisters in the faith around the world, we never actually understand that there are brothers and sisters around the glob praising Him.
They speak Portuguese here so I had no clue what they were saying, but they clearly were worship the same God who called me here :) Its just so exciting to see how others worship Him!!
We all got to do something in the service tonight, Julie played amazing grace on her flute, Ruth and Savannah sang a song, John told a story/his testimony, and I did one of my Bible monologues. The people there were so thankful for us visiting, I almost broke down crying with joy!
please continue to pray as we head into our first week here, thank-you and God bless!
Tonight we went to a church service here, so good! The music was louder then it had to be, and it went on for about 2-3 hours but it was amazing. It never really hit me that even though we go to church every Sunday, and sing our songs, and pray for our brothers and sisters in the faith around the world, we never actually understand that there are brothers and sisters around the glob praising Him.
They speak Portuguese here so I had no clue what they were saying, but they clearly were worship the same God who called me here :) Its just so exciting to see how others worship Him!!
We all got to do something in the service tonight, Julie played amazing grace on her flute, Ruth and Savannah sang a song, John told a story/his testimony, and I did one of my Bible monologues. The people there were so thankful for us visiting, I almost broke down crying with joy!
please continue to pray as we head into our first week here, thank-you and God bless!
Brazil Update: Busy Roads
Cars and people walk and roll past us, two thoughts are going through my head at the moment... "THIS IS SO COOL" and "It feels like I'm in a movie."
I'm sitting here on my bed, in the room that will be my home for the next two weeks, I still can't believe this is happening! The room is purple, but still its bigger then my one at home and is pretty good :)
Waiting in Miami for 6 hours was a little boring but I managed, talked a little with Savannah (one of the other team members) and read my book.
As we were driving here from the air port, which is about an hour away, I had a chance to look around, my mind is still dizzy from the information that I am taking in. Once we got to the part of town where we were staying in, it was crazy! In a good way :) It was like something off of a movie, going down the dirt roads, people selling random fruits and other things, either in little wooden shacks or on the ground with a blanket. Our driver, George, who works here at the youth centre, spoke little to no English, but he was really nice. George drove through the busy streets, bringing us here to our home for the next two weeks.
Once we got here the Missionary that runs the Youth Centre, Joyce Hancock, introduced us to Josh, another Brazilian who works at the centre. Josh speaks decent English, and is 19, I can tell we will be good friends :)
Tonight we are going to a church service, in which I have been asked to do one of the Drama Bible stories I do at camp and at church, Julie, another team member, is doing a solo with her flute.
I am so excited to see what God does in these next two weeks! Thank-you once again for all your prayers.
God bless!
I'm sitting here on my bed, in the room that will be my home for the next two weeks, I still can't believe this is happening! The room is purple, but still its bigger then my one at home and is pretty good :)
Waiting in Miami for 6 hours was a little boring but I managed, talked a little with Savannah (one of the other team members) and read my book.
As we were driving here from the air port, which is about an hour away, I had a chance to look around, my mind is still dizzy from the information that I am taking in. Once we got to the part of town where we were staying in, it was crazy! In a good way :) It was like something off of a movie, going down the dirt roads, people selling random fruits and other things, either in little wooden shacks or on the ground with a blanket. Our driver, George, who works here at the youth centre, spoke little to no English, but he was really nice. George drove through the busy streets, bringing us here to our home for the next two weeks.
Once we got here the Missionary that runs the Youth Centre, Joyce Hancock, introduced us to Josh, another Brazilian who works at the centre. Josh speaks decent English, and is 19, I can tell we will be good friends :)
Tonight we are going to a church service, in which I have been asked to do one of the Drama Bible stories I do at camp and at church, Julie, another team member, is doing a solo with her flute.
I am so excited to see what God does in these next two weeks! Thank-you once again for all your prayers.
God bless!
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Brazil update: Questions and Customs
I'm standing in front of customs, "how long are you going for?"
my response, "2 weeks"
customs, "that looks like a lot of luggage for two weeks?"
I'm also caring 2 of the Rowes bags, my mind starts to fluster, what do I say what do I say???
My voice is calm, take note this is also the first time I've ever been through customs, other then being a baby and when I was 7/8ish. "These two are my friends and these are mine"
"okay, move on"
So we are sitting here in the waiting lobby, 2hrs early, thought I'd share a little of my experience with you guys. The excitement is starting! Due to a lack of food, and excitement my hands are shaking! I'm realling looking forward to the plane, as you already know I've been on a plane twice now, but I was a baby for the first, and only 7 for the second, so this time I can actually remember it!
We are waiting for our flight first to Miami and then wait for a couple hours for our flight to Brasila!
God bless, thank-you for your prayers!
my response, "2 weeks"
customs, "that looks like a lot of luggage for two weeks?"
I'm also caring 2 of the Rowes bags, my mind starts to fluster, what do I say what do I say???
My voice is calm, take note this is also the first time I've ever been through customs, other then being a baby and when I was 7/8ish. "These two are my friends and these are mine"
"okay, move on"
So we are sitting here in the waiting lobby, 2hrs early, thought I'd share a little of my experience with you guys. The excitement is starting! Due to a lack of food, and excitement my hands are shaking! I'm realling looking forward to the plane, as you already know I've been on a plane twice now, but I was a baby for the first, and only 7 for the second, so this time I can actually remember it!
We are waiting for our flight first to Miami and then wait for a couple hours for our flight to Brasila!
God bless, thank-you for your prayers!
Brazil Update: Hotel bedrooms and flying planes
You know when you get super excited for something and you keep looking at the clock or your watch, because it feels like an hour has passed, when in reality only 5 minutes has... well that's me right know.
It has been a year since God called me to look into a missions trip and here we are, a year later, waiting in my hotel bedroom to get on the plane at 2:00...
Man I am so excited, excitement for me is a bit different then people would imagine. Most people think excitement is jumping up and down or being super jittery... not for me. Its more of like a calm state, where I look at all the pros and the cons of the situation. And so right know that's what I am doing.
I tend to look at the worst things that could happen, however, I know they probably wont and everything will work out fine.
Let me say thank-you for all those who have been praying for me so far, and for those who will read this and think, "CRAP! I need to start praying for him don't I!"
Thank-you and God-bless
It has been a year since God called me to look into a missions trip and here we are, a year later, waiting in my hotel bedroom to get on the plane at 2:00...
Man I am so excited, excitement for me is a bit different then people would imagine. Most people think excitement is jumping up and down or being super jittery... not for me. Its more of like a calm state, where I look at all the pros and the cons of the situation. And so right know that's what I am doing.
I tend to look at the worst things that could happen, however, I know they probably wont and everything will work out fine.
Let me say thank-you for all those who have been praying for me so far, and for those who will read this and think, "CRAP! I need to start praying for him don't I!"
Thank-you and God-bless
Friday, 16 August 2013
Brazil update: Leaving on a Jet plain
Spending 7 hours in a car is always fun, however it is the only way to get to Toronto, we are presently, (we as in the Rowes, elders in my church who are the leaders of our mission team) at the Hotel, tomorrow we head off to Miami on a 3hour flight! almost there!
This and most of the following posts over the next 3 weeks will be updates on my Missions trip to Brazil. Join me on this journey!
This and most of the following posts over the next 3 weeks will be updates on my Missions trip to Brazil. Join me on this journey!
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Camp Fires vs. Real Worlds
"do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is Good and Acceptable and Perfect" -Romans 12:2
Flip Flops, Bathing Suits, Songs, Fires, Games, Ridiculous and Insane people, what do these all have in common? let me tell you the answer... CAMP!
The past 7 weeks of my life have been purely dedicated to working and sharing Christ's message of salvation through camp ministry. This past summer was my 5th year working at camp ministry, and my 4th counselling at camp. New stories were born, smiles were made, and memories were created. However as much as camp is amazing and fun, it always comes to an end. And so here i find myself sitting on my living room couch, thinking of all the great and not so great times, thinking to myself "God what will this year bring now?"
You see each year I come back and my faith and thus my life is changed and strengthen. I know that this year, the year or grade 12, will be very difficult for me, God has made that clear. Real life can be difficult, feeling like you are the only 18 year old out there who actually cares and loves Jesus. But know that you are not alone my friends, we are all here, this one page is where we can come together and glorify Him. You see I pray for all of you daily, I might know some you, and I probably don't know alot of you but hey, in Christ we are brothers and sisters.
The world can be hard my friend, I know, I've been spit on by it, mocked and yelled at by it, but in the end I never gave up... why? because like Romans 12:2 says my mind was transformed. How? you may ask, it was transformed 5 years ago by a God who loves me, created me, and wants to let me explore Him my entire life. I know that no matter what I have joy in Christ, that in the end His glory will reign on earth, that "His kingdom come, as it is in heaven."
If you are sitting there, or in any other position, lying, standing, squatting, on the toilet, picking your nose, eating cereal or whatever, know that there is a God who loves you, a world who hates you, and a brother right here who prays for you.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed, by the renewal of YOUR mind, so that YOU may prove what the will of God is, that which is good, acceptable and perfect!"
I've got your back bro!
Flip Flops, Bathing Suits, Songs, Fires, Games, Ridiculous and Insane people, what do these all have in common? let me tell you the answer... CAMP!
The past 7 weeks of my life have been purely dedicated to working and sharing Christ's message of salvation through camp ministry. This past summer was my 5th year working at camp ministry, and my 4th counselling at camp. New stories were born, smiles were made, and memories were created. However as much as camp is amazing and fun, it always comes to an end. And so here i find myself sitting on my living room couch, thinking of all the great and not so great times, thinking to myself "God what will this year bring now?"
You see each year I come back and my faith and thus my life is changed and strengthen. I know that this year, the year or grade 12, will be very difficult for me, God has made that clear. Real life can be difficult, feeling like you are the only 18 year old out there who actually cares and loves Jesus. But know that you are not alone my friends, we are all here, this one page is where we can come together and glorify Him. You see I pray for all of you daily, I might know some you, and I probably don't know alot of you but hey, in Christ we are brothers and sisters.
The world can be hard my friend, I know, I've been spit on by it, mocked and yelled at by it, but in the end I never gave up... why? because like Romans 12:2 says my mind was transformed. How? you may ask, it was transformed 5 years ago by a God who loves me, created me, and wants to let me explore Him my entire life. I know that no matter what I have joy in Christ, that in the end His glory will reign on earth, that "His kingdom come, as it is in heaven."
If you are sitting there, or in any other position, lying, standing, squatting, on the toilet, picking your nose, eating cereal or whatever, know that there is a God who loves you, a world who hates you, and a brother right here who prays for you.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed, by the renewal of YOUR mind, so that YOU may prove what the will of God is, that which is good, acceptable and perfect!"
I've got your back bro!
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Fireflies in the darkness
"In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the
unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the
glory of Christ, who is the image of God." - 1 Corinthians 4:4
This week I was walking back to my cabin from a camp fire (I am the counsellor of the oldest cabin at Camp Cherith ON.) and God began to talk to me.
He began to point the fireflies in the nights sky, and how in light these small bugs are ugly but once put into the darkness they shine like stars in the night sky. Saying he said that the world says we are ugly and do not deserve Gods glory, that we are dirty and sinful before God. Bucolically this is true, however, God began to say that even though, in the words of Paul, we are filthy rags before God, He has also given us a light, in which when plunged into this world of darkness we can choose to shine and bring others to the courage of turning theirs on.
What is this light? this light is the cross of Christ and its salvation! God doesn't matter how ugly or terrible you are, you can choose to come to Him, and turn on your light, putting the ugly filthy self behind and showing the world Gods gift to you!
This week I was walking back to my cabin from a camp fire (I am the counsellor of the oldest cabin at Camp Cherith ON.) and God began to talk to me.
He began to point the fireflies in the nights sky, and how in light these small bugs are ugly but once put into the darkness they shine like stars in the night sky. Saying he said that the world says we are ugly and do not deserve Gods glory, that we are dirty and sinful before God. Bucolically this is true, however, God began to say that even though, in the words of Paul, we are filthy rags before God, He has also given us a light, in which when plunged into this world of darkness we can choose to shine and bring others to the courage of turning theirs on.
What is this light? this light is the cross of Christ and its salvation! God doesn't matter how ugly or terrible you are, you can choose to come to Him, and turn on your light, putting the ugly filthy self behind and showing the world Gods gift to you!
Friday, 21 June 2013
Cash or Christ?
The music world has very few out there who say they are Christ followers and live it as well. One of my favourite Hip-Hop/Rap artist out there is Lecrae. This Christian rapper started off in a stereotypical black life style, never knowing his father, being raised by a single mother and looking up to the classic rap faces for mentors. However, one day his life changed and was given over to God.
Starting off as a rapper simply only in Jail ministry, he became very liked by the inmates and was encouraged to go bigger. Being taken under the wings of Da T.R.U.T.H and Ambassador Lecrae came out with his first album. This album was filled with theological truth and conviction, as well as his next album "Rebel" that revolutionised his style and was/is considered one of his best.
His following albums, Rehab, Overdose, and his latest Gravity, were ones reaching towards a bigger audience. This past year, 2012, Gravity hit the shelves and stores, winning Lecrae top artist on iTunes top 5 music charts for two weeks. However this newest album is not as theologically evident as his previous ones were, this caused a little bit of an uproar in the Christian community, who really enjoyed his Bucolically truthful words and lyrics. Hearing and seeing this Lecrea has made statements saying that he has not abandoned his faith, rather he feels his calling is more towards the secular, rather then the Christian, listener.
Winning a Grammy this past year, 2012, has also made Lecrae's listeners more diverse. Because of this he has also done singles with secular Hip-Hop artist such as B.O.B in his song "Round of Applause."
Personally I enjoy Lecrae
's songs, however slowly I am becoming skeptical of his mission and calling, I know that I should not judge simply because he is trying to open his music to a broader listening arena. But one cannot help but think is he really doing it all for God, over time his lyrics, which ones were very evident with Biblical and Theological truths, have been dumbed down a bit. Rather then challenging his listeners to question their life and take faith in Christ seriously, he has touched on more social issues, such as drugs, abuse and drinking. All of this is good, but I am afraid one day he will loose the message behind it all.
Starting off as a rapper simply only in Jail ministry, he became very liked by the inmates and was encouraged to go bigger. Being taken under the wings of Da T.R.U.T.H and Ambassador Lecrae came out with his first album. This album was filled with theological truth and conviction, as well as his next album "Rebel" that revolutionised his style and was/is considered one of his best.
His following albums, Rehab, Overdose, and his latest Gravity, were ones reaching towards a bigger audience. This past year, 2012, Gravity hit the shelves and stores, winning Lecrae top artist on iTunes top 5 music charts for two weeks. However this newest album is not as theologically evident as his previous ones were, this caused a little bit of an uproar in the Christian community, who really enjoyed his Bucolically truthful words and lyrics. Hearing and seeing this Lecrea has made statements saying that he has not abandoned his faith, rather he feels his calling is more towards the secular, rather then the Christian, listener.
Winning a Grammy this past year, 2012, has also made Lecrae's listeners more diverse. Because of this he has also done singles with secular Hip-Hop artist such as B.O.B in his song "Round of Applause."
Personally I enjoy Lecrae

Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Bono and Christ?
So today on my facebook feed, this article came up, it was asked what did you think about Bono's response? I was unsure about my response.... what is yours? please comment below,
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Sinners and Seeds
"On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices, saying, 'Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.' When he saw them he said to them, 'Go and show yourselves to the priests.' And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus answered, 'Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?' And he said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”
-Luke 17:11-19
This morning at church this passage was read, and as the speaker was talking about "Thanks" God spoke to me. He showed me something I had never realised about this passage/story, that it was more then just a story of Thanks and one of our faith now.
In Luke 8 Jesus tells a story about a farmer who sows seeds, how some seeds fall into good soil and some in bad. There are different kinds of soil that the seeds fall into, but you can look that story up yourself. The point I am making is that these two passages are connected.
You see, the lepers and the seeds are the same, some of the seeds are planted in soil that lets them grow, but they are soon chocked out, 10 lepers were healed, 9 ran off to the priests, 1 stayed and thanked Christ. Now earlier I mentioned that this passage is connected to our faith now, how?
So many times I have seen people go off and at church act like good little Christians, and hey I am not judging I was guilty of it as well. Once we put on the shirt and tie we become a different person, but as soon as we take it off we dawn a different kind of suit. One that is worldly.
You see 10 lepers excepted the forgiveness and cleansing of Christ, like so many now see acknowledge of Christ's sacrifice and gift of forgiveness. But only 1 lepers turned back and thanked him, and of that a Samaritan!
In Biblical times Samaritans and Jews did not mix, they were frowned upon by Jews, just like a "Christian" might look down upon those who are not Christian. But you see it was the Samaritan, who went back turned back, knowing he was cleansed, not just physically but spiritually.
So many of us say "I am forgiven" or "I believe in God" but you can say that all you want, until your life becomes one that is honouring, and living out for Christ, your "faith" means nothing. I go to school with people who say they are "Christians" but yet I sit there and listen and watch as they go out and get drunk and high, and swear and so on. I am not looking down on them, rather I am saying, "What are you doing? You are missing out on so much." This is not judgement but rather accountability, which we as Christians are called to do, in verse like Luke 17:3.
And so like the leper we must turn, seeing we are cleansed and give the thanks to him, knowing that doing things for Christ means nothing, if we are not doing them with Christ.
-Luke 17:11-19
This morning at church this passage was read, and as the speaker was talking about "Thanks" God spoke to me. He showed me something I had never realised about this passage/story, that it was more then just a story of Thanks and one of our faith now.
In Luke 8 Jesus tells a story about a farmer who sows seeds, how some seeds fall into good soil and some in bad. There are different kinds of soil that the seeds fall into, but you can look that story up yourself. The point I am making is that these two passages are connected.
You see, the lepers and the seeds are the same, some of the seeds are planted in soil that lets them grow, but they are soon chocked out, 10 lepers were healed, 9 ran off to the priests, 1 stayed and thanked Christ. Now earlier I mentioned that this passage is connected to our faith now, how?
So many times I have seen people go off and at church act like good little Christians, and hey I am not judging I was guilty of it as well. Once we put on the shirt and tie we become a different person, but as soon as we take it off we dawn a different kind of suit. One that is worldly.
You see 10 lepers excepted the forgiveness and cleansing of Christ, like so many now see acknowledge of Christ's sacrifice and gift of forgiveness. But only 1 lepers turned back and thanked him, and of that a Samaritan!
In Biblical times Samaritans and Jews did not mix, they were frowned upon by Jews, just like a "Christian" might look down upon those who are not Christian. But you see it was the Samaritan, who went back turned back, knowing he was cleansed, not just physically but spiritually.
So many of us say "I am forgiven" or "I believe in God" but you can say that all you want, until your life becomes one that is honouring, and living out for Christ, your "faith" means nothing. I go to school with people who say they are "Christians" but yet I sit there and listen and watch as they go out and get drunk and high, and swear and so on. I am not looking down on them, rather I am saying, "What are you doing? You are missing out on so much." This is not judgement but rather accountability, which we as Christians are called to do, in verse like Luke 17:3.

Saturday, 8 June 2013
Worms and Bad Habbits
The other day I was standing at my front window, watching birds peck away at the ground and I saw this one bird. He had found a worm and was trying his best without the ability of arms, to get the worm into his mouth. Tilting his head a certain way he would try and make the worm go down his throat, but it would begin to twist and turn as he was trying to do this, so he would shake his head to counter act the worm's twisting. And as he did this the worms body would be torn and the part that was not in his beak would be flung across the yard. But the bird would hop over to the flung piece and pick it up and try again. I watched repeatedly as he did this, until the worm was all gone.
As I watched God spoke to me, He said "This is how I want you to go after me." He said "like the bird hops after the worm that had been thrown across the lawn, I want you to run after me as the world tries to tear you away from me." After as I thought about this I realised how this is so true.
You know I am not perfect, time after time I have let the world tear me away from Him. Time after time I have let the world's lies turn me away from Christ and let it poison me with its sting. But like the Bird, I hop back to Him. Broken, bruised, hurt, and ashamed.
Know don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this is a free pass to do what every you want and then say "but I am forgiven so it's okay." No I am saying that those things you do, and I am guilty of them to, that habit that you have of being alone in front of the computer screen when no ones looking, or sneaking out to come back with a nasty head ache, those are all not honouring to God... and even though He forgave you and me on the tree, by doing them we slap Him in the face and defile that tree, turning out backs on that forgiveness. But when you find yourself in that place, in front of that computer with your mouse hovering over the X button in case someone comes in, or lifting that bottle to your lips, when you find yourself there... He says "run to me" He says click the X and walk away, put the bottle down and go back home.... We are His children, we have been "beautifully and wonderfully made." And so run to Him... leaving your old life behind.
to the worm and pick it up....
As I watched God spoke to me, He said "This is how I want you to go after me." He said "like the bird hops after the worm that had been thrown across the lawn, I want you to run after me as the world tries to tear you away from me." After as I thought about this I realised how this is so true.
You know I am not perfect, time after time I have let the world tear me away from Him. Time after time I have let the world's lies turn me away from Christ and let it poison me with its sting. But like the Bird, I hop back to Him. Broken, bruised, hurt, and ashamed.
Know don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this is a free pass to do what every you want and then say "but I am forgiven so it's okay." No I am saying that those things you do, and I am guilty of them to, that habit that you have of being alone in front of the computer screen when no ones looking, or sneaking out to come back with a nasty head ache, those are all not honouring to God... and even though He forgave you and me on the tree, by doing them we slap Him in the face and defile that tree, turning out backs on that forgiveness. But when you find yourself in that place, in front of that computer with your mouse hovering over the X button in case someone comes in, or lifting that bottle to your lips, when you find yourself there... He says "run to me" He says click the X and walk away, put the bottle down and go back home.... We are His children, we have been "beautifully and wonderfully made." And so run to Him... leaving your old life behind.
to the worm and pick it up....
Friday, 7 June 2013
Blog Battle for the win, #2 The Future of Carrots and Blind people
There is a saying in one of my favourite movies.... "In the land of the deaf, the blind man is king" never really understood this quote until recently... but one thing remains, what would happen if the blind man was not blind? But you may be asking yourself, "wait how can a blind man not be blind?" let me tell you how!
To begin to understand this one must look into the future of carrotology, a resent sub-science of optical sciences. The science is that if we took the certain chemical that makes carrots enhance eyesight, we would, in theory be able to completely fix the damaged nerves. This theory and science however is still experimental and only works on 10% of test patience, specifically those who have a more orange tone in there skins and prefer the color orange over most, which makes no sense due to the fact that they are blind, but that's what the studies show.
This is a new science, it is one that will change the future and forever make carrots into a medical tool rather then a eating one. Note that when this was announced in 2011 that many children around the world were over joyed that in a couple years they and there future generations would not have to endure eating this vegetable.
so "in the land of the deaf.... the carrot farmer is king"
To begin to understand this one must look into the future of carrotology, a resent sub-science of optical sciences. The science is that if we took the certain chemical that makes carrots enhance eyesight, we would, in theory be able to completely fix the damaged nerves. This theory and science however is still experimental and only works on 10% of test patience, specifically those who have a more orange tone in there skins and prefer the color orange over most, which makes no sense due to the fact that they are blind, but that's what the studies show.
This is a new science, it is one that will change the future and forever make carrots into a medical tool rather then a eating one. Note that when this was announced in 2011 that many children around the world were over joyed that in a couple years they and there future generations would not have to endure eating this vegetable.
so "in the land of the deaf.... the carrot farmer is king"
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Beaches,Bikinis,and High School Halls
So scrolling through my Facebook news feed I come across this article:
So if I knew this girl in real life I would give her a hug and say "I AM SO PROUD OF YOU" even now I am so proud of her. Why? for realising this, many Christian, and non-Christian girls don't even realise that what they wear every day, and in front of everyone at church while they stand up and sing is almost a walking porn add for guys. Its is even worse when girls, Christian or not, realise this but don't do anything.... WHAT!? LIKE COME ON, YOU ARE ASKING ME TO PERVERT YOU IN MY MIND, YET YOU YELL AND SCREAM AT ME THAT I AM PERVERTED!!!??? now don't get me wrong, I am not by any means justifying impurity. I am just saying that it is harder for guys, and Christian guys, to walk around daily and try not to stair at another girls body... I know this from experience, I have been in high-school halls and beach village streets, its almost sickening how many girls scream for boys to look at them and then scream for them to stop...
In conclusion, I give this person a virtual THUMBS up and a I AM PROUD OF YOU for being the difference and living her life for Christ, not just with her words or actions but also her body!
So if I knew this girl in real life I would give her a hug and say "I AM SO PROUD OF YOU" even now I am so proud of her. Why? for realising this, many Christian, and non-Christian girls don't even realise that what they wear every day, and in front of everyone at church while they stand up and sing is almost a walking porn add for guys. Its is even worse when girls, Christian or not, realise this but don't do anything.... WHAT!? LIKE COME ON, YOU ARE ASKING ME TO PERVERT YOU IN MY MIND, YET YOU YELL AND SCREAM AT ME THAT I AM PERVERTED!!!??? now don't get me wrong, I am not by any means justifying impurity. I am just saying that it is harder for guys, and Christian guys, to walk around daily and try not to stair at another girls body... I know this from experience, I have been in high-school halls and beach village streets, its almost sickening how many girls scream for boys to look at them and then scream for them to stop...

Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Bike roads and God paths
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins,in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfilment to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ." -Ephesians 1:3-10
Most bigger cities now have a "bike only" lane on the paved roads for those who wish to bike instead of drive. This is a very good and encouraging way to have people seek more healthier and to be more eco-friendly way of transportation. This can also be seen in a different light though...
These "bike roads" are roads that are paved for a specific people, those who bike, obviously. However with that in mind also consider this, roads are almost like pre-destined paved paths for us. They lead us where we want to go. These bike roads are pre-destined as well, but also paved for a specific people.
God in this way has paved paths for us. Proverbs 3:5-6 says:
" Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
And our theme verse, Ephisians 1:3-10, is one about God having a pre-destined redemptive plan for us;
"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world"
Now this doesn't mean we are mindless robots doing the will and commands of a over powering scientist, rather like a parent wishes the best of their child, God wishes and plans the best for us!
This concept is a hard one to grasp and many do not understand it, this leads to those who take this out of meaning and start to believe and see God as the Scientist rather then the parent...
And so like cities have specific, almost pre-destined "bike roads," God has paved out a specific, -destined, "faith road" for us, each one is different, made especially for you and you alone, but all end, begin, and are filled with Christ and His love for us.
Most bigger cities now have a "bike only" lane on the paved roads for those who wish to bike instead of drive. This is a very good and encouraging way to have people seek more healthier and to be more eco-friendly way of transportation. This can also be seen in a different light though...
These "bike roads" are roads that are paved for a specific people, those who bike, obviously. However with that in mind also consider this, roads are almost like pre-destined paved paths for us. They lead us where we want to go. These bike roads are pre-destined as well, but also paved for a specific people.
God in this way has paved paths for us. Proverbs 3:5-6 says:
" Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
And our theme verse, Ephisians 1:3-10, is one about God having a pre-destined redemptive plan for us;
"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world"
Now this doesn't mean we are mindless robots doing the will and commands of a over powering scientist, rather like a parent wishes the best of their child, God wishes and plans the best for us!
This concept is a hard one to grasp and many do not understand it, this leads to those who take this out of meaning and start to believe and see God as the Scientist rather then the parent...
And so like cities have specific, almost pre-destined "bike roads," God has paved out a specific, -destined, "faith road" for us, each one is different, made especially for you and you alone, but all end, begin, and are filled with Christ and His love for us.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Send Me
Before Jesus ascended into Heaven he called us to do one thing "Go out into all nations," the Send Me project by the Gideons has taken this to our youth, this is a great way to reach out to your friends and school, please click the link and watch the video below
Monday, 29 April 2013
Matthew 8: the first steps
How do we truly come to Christ? The televangelists and speakers make it sound so easy, but its harder then you think.
"And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, 'Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” - Matthew 8:2
The first thing that we must realise is we are not in control. God is not a genie or a magical fairy who we can command and He grants all our wishes. In Matthew 8:2 Jesus comes to a city where a He is approached by a leper. Note how the leaper says "If you will" not "Heal me!" or "Help me" but rather he asks Jesus if He wills it, meaning if Jesus wants to, not has to, heal him. This is how we should approach God with an attitude of obedience and sacrifice. When we come to God in this way we come bowing in the glory of the Lord, we come as one to be commanded, not one who makes commands.
"But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed." -Matthew 8:8
Sin is something with which all humans are plagued with, we will never be rid of it, on our own. The second step to coming to Christ is realising we are sinners and will never change with in human control. In chapter 8 of the gospel of Matthew we read of a centurion, or a Roman soldier, who comes to Christ so his servant can be healed. When Christ agrees the Roman then proceeds to tell him not to come to his house, but rather say the word and it would be done. Why? He says "I am not worthy for you to come under my roof." This is such an amazing part in scripture because this is a Roman soldier, a gentile, a non-Jew, in our eyes he would be an atheist, coming to Christ and fully believing in Him. By the Roman saying this we also see that he comes to realise his sinful ways. So many people in our world do not realise their sin, some don't even know what sin is. We have been taught by our society that being "a good person" is good enough, but it isn't! If your a good person but do not have Christ in your life then being good means nothing. And so like the Centurion we must come to Christ admitting our sin and telling Christ we are not worthy.
"And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, 'Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” - Matthew 8:2
The first thing that we must realise is we are not in control. God is not a genie or a magical fairy who we can command and He grants all our wishes. In Matthew 8:2 Jesus comes to a city where a He is approached by a leper. Note how the leaper says "If you will" not "Heal me!" or "Help me" but rather he asks Jesus if He wills it, meaning if Jesus wants to, not has to, heal him. This is how we should approach God with an attitude of obedience and sacrifice. When we come to God in this way we come bowing in the glory of the Lord, we come as one to be commanded, not one who makes commands.
"But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed." -Matthew 8:8
Sin is something with which all humans are plagued with, we will never be rid of it, on our own. The second step to coming to Christ is realising we are sinners and will never change with in human control. In chapter 8 of the gospel of Matthew we read of a centurion, or a Roman soldier, who comes to Christ so his servant can be healed. When Christ agrees the Roman then proceeds to tell him not to come to his house, but rather say the word and it would be done. Why? He says "I am not worthy for you to come under my roof." This is such an amazing part in scripture because this is a Roman soldier, a gentile, a non-Jew, in our eyes he would be an atheist, coming to Christ and fully believing in Him. By the Roman saying this we also see that he comes to realise his sinful ways. So many people in our world do not realise their sin, some don't even know what sin is. We have been taught by our society that being "a good person" is good enough, but it isn't! If your a good person but do not have Christ in your life then being good means nothing. And so like the Centurion we must come to Christ admitting our sin and telling Christ we are not worthy.
"Another of the disciples said to him, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” 22 And Jesus said to him, “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.” - Matthew 8:21-22
When excepting Christ and choosing a life of following Him we are called, as Jesus called the disciple in this verse, to "follow Him." Know this verse at first glance seems very strange and seems like Jesus has no respect for the dead, however this is how I see it, it may not be right and you can correct me if I am wrong. But Jesus says "Leave the dead to bury their own dead" now that is a strange thing to say, so looking at it in a spiritual way rather then a physical way it turns a new light. Those who do not follow or know Christ are spiritually dead, and so looking at it this way Jesus is saying "Leave your spiritually dead life behind and let it bury itself." He says "Follow me" not "Once you have everything set in place and in it's place come and follow me," but rather "Follow me and give over to me your imperfections, faults, worries."
So how do we come to Christ? well we see in Matthew chapter 8 that in verse 1 we must come to Him willing to surrender to Him and let Him do what He wants, when He wants, and if He wants. We see that we need to admit we are sinners and are not worthy (vs.8), and vs. 21-22 shows us that we need to leave our sinful, selfish life behind. Where do we go next from there? Well that is between you and God!
When excepting Christ and choosing a life of following Him we are called, as Jesus called the disciple in this verse, to "follow Him." Know this verse at first glance seems very strange and seems like Jesus has no respect for the dead, however this is how I see it, it may not be right and you can correct me if I am wrong. But Jesus says "Leave the dead to bury their own dead" now that is a strange thing to say, so looking at it in a spiritual way rather then a physical way it turns a new light. Those who do not follow or know Christ are spiritually dead, and so looking at it this way Jesus is saying "Leave your spiritually dead life behind and let it bury itself." He says "Follow me" not "Once you have everything set in place and in it's place come and follow me," but rather "Follow me and give over to me your imperfections, faults, worries."
So how do we come to Christ? well we see in Matthew chapter 8 that in verse 1 we must come to Him willing to surrender to Him and let Him do what He wants, when He wants, and if He wants. We see that we need to admit we are sinners and are not worthy (vs.8), and vs. 21-22 shows us that we need to leave our sinful, selfish life behind. Where do we go next from there? Well that is between you and God!
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Little Rocks and Jungle Gyms
"and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:3
My friend was at the park the other day with her 6 year old cousin and her cousin's friend. They began to pick up rocks they thought were pretty, the 6 year old girl then took a handful of rocks and stuck them in her pocket. When asked "why did you pick up all the rocks?" She replied by saying, "there all so pretty."
This story is a very cute one, but can also be very applicable to our spiritual walk with God. Jesus loved children, and in retrospect we are all children to Him. In Matthew 18:3 He said that "unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of God." This is not a new thing, I have probably heard this verse millions of times since I was little. But have we actually stopped and thought about it, before moving on with our day?
You see a child is someone who can not fend for themselves, who is completely reliant on some kind of "parent" figure in their lives to provide, shelter, food, warmth, clothing, etc... And so much like our relationship with Christ, we can not live with out complete reliance on Him at all times.
As I look back on my childhood I ask myself one question, "what happened?" As we grow up and start to become more of a follower of the world then an individual I can not help but think we have over complicated everything. You see as a child everything was either really simple or a mystery and wonder to us, we could spend hours playing outside with one stick and be completely satisfied. I remember that even going down the stairs could be an adventure to me, the jungle gym transformed from being a spaceship on Monday to a fire breathing dragon on Tuesday. The stick in my hand could be a laser gun at one moment then turn into a great battle sword the next. But now the jungle gym is just some wood nailed together with plastic, that stick is a stick nothing more. We have flown away from neverland never to return, and so we grow up. Our heads are filled with philosophies and math formula's, no longer can we be anybody we wont to be because we must forget imagination and replace it with logic and science.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that life should be all fun and games, but I am also not saying we should completely leave our imagination behind and abandon it for logic. There needs to be an equilibrium, we still need to see the wonder in this world, and the wonder and mystery in God. Not everything can fit into a dictionary definition and a petree dish.
And so I leave you with this,
Lord I pray for all of us, I pray that you would bring the wonder back to our hearts, that the world would be a new mystery to discover each day. I pray that we would become that child, who takes hand fulls of rocks, seeing them all as "pretty" and stuffing them into our pockets.
My friend was at the park the other day with her 6 year old cousin and her cousin's friend. They began to pick up rocks they thought were pretty, the 6 year old girl then took a handful of rocks and stuck them in her pocket. When asked "why did you pick up all the rocks?" She replied by saying, "there all so pretty."
This story is a very cute one, but can also be very applicable to our spiritual walk with God. Jesus loved children, and in retrospect we are all children to Him. In Matthew 18:3 He said that "unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of God." This is not a new thing, I have probably heard this verse millions of times since I was little. But have we actually stopped and thought about it, before moving on with our day?
You see a child is someone who can not fend for themselves, who is completely reliant on some kind of "parent" figure in their lives to provide, shelter, food, warmth, clothing, etc... And so much like our relationship with Christ, we can not live with out complete reliance on Him at all times.
As I look back on my childhood I ask myself one question, "what happened?" As we grow up and start to become more of a follower of the world then an individual I can not help but think we have over complicated everything. You see as a child everything was either really simple or a mystery and wonder to us, we could spend hours playing outside with one stick and be completely satisfied. I remember that even going down the stairs could be an adventure to me, the jungle gym transformed from being a spaceship on Monday to a fire breathing dragon on Tuesday. The stick in my hand could be a laser gun at one moment then turn into a great battle sword the next. But now the jungle gym is just some wood nailed together with plastic, that stick is a stick nothing more. We have flown away from neverland never to return, and so we grow up. Our heads are filled with philosophies and math formula's, no longer can we be anybody we wont to be because we must forget imagination and replace it with logic and science.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that life should be all fun and games, but I am also not saying we should completely leave our imagination behind and abandon it for logic. There needs to be an equilibrium, we still need to see the wonder in this world, and the wonder and mystery in God. Not everything can fit into a dictionary definition and a petree dish.
And so I leave you with this,
Lord I pray for all of us, I pray that you would bring the wonder back to our hearts, that the world would be a new mystery to discover each day. I pray that we would become that child, who takes hand fulls of rocks, seeing them all as "pretty" and stuffing them into our pockets.
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